to the popular girl in kindergarten

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i remember the days of kindergarten

the smell of art supplies

random toys strewn about

the constant squealing of children,

and you.

for some reason, everyone loved you

everyone fought to sit next to you at lunch

everyone wanted to do what you said

and i wanted to be like you.

i sought your approval for everything

i became another one of your admirers

but you were always subtly mean to everyone

you never shared 

you always had to have things your way

you made everyone hate anyone who crossed you

i never noticed it then

but looking back

you were not someone i wanted to be

and yet i wanted to be you anyway

because everyone else adored you.

and a few years after kindergarten,

i saw you again

and i could tell you expected me to worship you 

but i didn't.

i just smiled awkwardly 

and you stood there


you looked so confused, 

that i didn't adore you anymore

but it made sense in my mind

because i finally grew up.

and maybe you were still stuck in kindergarten

the days where everyone worshipped you

but i grew up.

i found a piece of who i was

and i no longer needed you to fill that hole.

maybe one day

if i ever see you again

i'll explain it to you

i'll look into your eyes,

and i'll say

"we're not in kindergarten anymore."

 ~clar ❤

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