First Day Of Camp

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  • Dedicated to Cierra Clifford

"Samantha and Cierra get up its the first day of summer camp" Our mom said. "Nooooo" Cierra and I groaned. "I heard that there are 4 new boys there this summer" Our mom said. "OK" I said.Me and Cierra got dressed, brushed our teeth and hair, washed our faces, and put our makeup on, and went downstairs.  "Who wants fruity pebbles?'' Our dad said.  "I DO" we all yelled. Me and Cierra and  our brothers Troy and Logan all got our shoes on and got in the car. " I call shotgun" yelled Troy (hes 8).On our way to Camp Calico Cierra said "What  if the new boys are cute". "Yasssss" I said. We Got out of the car and signed in. "I don't see any new boys" Cierra said. I looked around then at the door, "OMG CIERRA LOOK AT THE DOOR". 4 cute boys walked in one with blond hair and a lip piercing, one with diffrent colored hair (pink) and a eyebrow piercing, one with black hair and, one with dirty blond hair and a red bandanna on.Of course knowing Cierra she walked up to them and said "hi whats your guyses names?" "Umm.......well im Michael (boy with the pink hair), im Calum (boy with the brown hair), im Ashton (boy with the bandanna), and im Luke (boy with the blond hair) " Your cuuuuteeee" I said." Really samantha" cierra said. "Whats you names?" ashton said. "Wait your australian?"Cierra said. "Yes we are" Luke said. " Now your even cuter" I said "SAMANTHA STOP" cierra shouted quietly. "Wait so are you going to tell us your names or not?" Calum said. " Sorry, im Cierra and the girl staring at you guys creepily is my sister Samantha."Cierra said. "One quick question why is she doing that?" Luke said. "well because she most likely thinks you guys are cute." Cierra said. "And one more thing...... you guys are famous."  Cierra said. " What no we are not" calum said. "yes you are" I said. " How could that be?" Michael said. "Beacause you guys went into a time machine and you got sent back into time so this is you guys now, your band is called 5 seconds of summer (5sos).

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2014 ⏰

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