OC Bio

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-Story and OC based off of Prototype-

Actions during dialogue•

[Name] Gavin Mercer


[Looks]Sick of the generic looks.
Black short afro, stops right below the ear. Light-brown skin, with brown eyes.

[Semblance]Gravity Manipulation - Think if Ochako from MHA. Activate your semblance while touching something, and they'll start floating. Stops floating by your command.
(Related to the powers from the Prototype 1 DLC)

[Powers]Blacklight - The main power of Prototype. It gives immense strength, speed, agility, endurance, senses, and even durability. It also gives a unnatural healing factor, even having the ability to regenerate the clothing the host is wearing. It utilizes biomass to use these abilities. Obviously, Gavin can overuse blacklight, leaving vulnerable, and out of commission for a bit, resting his powers. But, it also gives an arsenal. (Some will be fan made. Might even upgrade some.)

Shapeshifting - He barely uses this, as it means instant death for how ever is the victim. He absorbs a humans, and gains there memories, and can shapeshift into their figure.

Hammerfist - It adds heavy biomass to his hands, being best used against vehicles, even being strong enough to take down atlas vehicles, like airships, and tanks. Bone colored biomass will cover his hands, biomass being present. Making a shell like gauntlet on his hands.

Musclemass - It also adds major biomass to the muscles already boosting the superhuman strenght the character has. It has stages, boosting powers the more he boosts his blacklight usage. His arms will be covered and dark grey flesh from the biomass.

Blade - It allows Gavin to form a large blade on either arm, the biomass forming metal, extremely sharp and durable blade. To make it safe against human opponents, he can even form it to being dull. Biomass being shown, of course.

Claw - He can form a large claw on either, or both, hands. Like the blade, it makes very sharp and durably metal in the form of a claw, biomass being present like the blade, of course.

Whip fist - Allows Gavin to make tendrils, that can retracted and expand. At the end of the tendrils, it holds a very jagged, powerful, and durability biomass chunk in the form of a gauntlet like the hammerfist. But instead of bone like, the biomass is black, and the tendrils dark red and brown.

Glide - He can use the biomass the make him glide while airborne, meaning he can't stay airborne forever. Obviously, depend in height, meaning how long he can stay airborne.

Shield - He can form a very, very durable shield using both of his arms, forming a shiled. It appears to be a jagged, averaged shape shield, dark grey biomass forming it.

And more to come...

(Sorry if I wrote WAYYY too much for a damn bio. and sorry if this seems too overpowered. Hopefully I'll be able to publish the prologue these past couple of days. If I publish. Sorry for the negativity, schools just a bitch. See you in another chapter.)

[Words: 495]

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2019 ⏰

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