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C'mon are they really canines? They act like both cats and dogs.

This sly fellow has a dashing personality, but that's for you to decide

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This sly fellow has a dashing personality, but that's for you to decide.

Age~4 years
Likes~insects, night time, rain
Dislikes~heat, eagles,trespassers

Name~ToddAge~4 yearsGender~MaleLikes~insects, night time, rainDislikes~heat, eagles,trespassers

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Age~3.7 years
Likes~being nomadic,chasing birds
Dislikes~cars,roads,humans in general

Scenario #1 (One or the other)
Todd/Silver were padding along side a road when you caught their scent. You begin to stalk them out without getting caught. Within the hour Todd/Silver pauses and turn to stare dead at you. You...

Scenario #2 (Either of them)
Make it up

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