Caleb X Goat Milk Chapter 1

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One day Caleb fAcKiN Finn was driving in his Red car to the grocery store to buy some Up & Go. When he pulled into the cAr PaRk he noticed in the window a filer for a sale of goatmilk. His eyes lit up he ran for the entrance swinging the door open knocking over an old lady on the way in. He bolted toward the aisle that had the goat milk. He stole this middle-aged man's cart and YOTED the goat milk into the cart breaking a few on the way down. He didn't even bother to get in line he just YEETED money that was given to Caleb by yagi at the counter and charged at his car he stuffed his trunk with the milk and headed home. Hopefully doing the speed limit... who knows.

~Time Skip~

As he went to open the door he was met by a familiar face it was his sister Emma. She had a surprised look on her face. "Why so many bags?" she asked. "Its none of your business," said Caleb in a stern voice. "You're weird." Emma exclaimed "says the one with blood dripping down her face." Caleb replies as Emma walks back into her room to finish the tiktok she was making. Caleb quickly shoves all 14 cartoons of goatmilk into the fridge before any more questions were asked.

~Time Skip~

Later that night Caleb woke up cold and with a dry throat he rushed to put on his legend of Zelda slippers and headed to the kitchen the time was currently 3:33 AM. As he opened the fridge a couple of cartons of GoatMilk had fallen out of the fridge causing a loud bang. Caleb made a cringed face hoping it didnt wake Emma. Thankfully Emma is a heavy sleeper and didnt even notice. He grabbed a glass and poured him a glass of milk. Just as he went to take a sip his phone buzzed *Yagi: Roach.* He decided to ignore her message and continued to focus on the milk. *Cue intense romantic music* He enjoyed the taste so much that it made him stumble backwards onto cats tail. Lum was enraged by this and decided to act him she bit and scratched at his ankle but Caleb was unfazed. All he cared about was this goat milk... He needed more... A lot more. He fArtHeD over it. 

~time skip to next day~

~End Chapter one~

A/N (which means Authors note idiot) Should I continue with this story? Im actually enjoying this story and have big plans for it. (including Yagi 

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