Caleb x Goat Milk Chapter 2

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~Next Day~

Caleb began to regret all of the Goat Milk he drank it didn't sit well in his stomach especially because it was 3 in the morning. He began to feel sick to the stomach so he naruto ran to the bathroom in his Peppa Pig onesie (that no one knows about.) It was a Wednesday which meant he had to stream that day so after puking his brains out he posted a quick photo of him smiling with the timer. He decided to jump on discord for a bit but before he did he grabbed a glass of the nicesilky warm goat milk. He noticed that it was almost always the same people active. He didn't say anything he just...lurked like that one creepy 49-year old gym teacher.. you know which one im talking about. After a bit of lurking, he finally decided to get some work done he filmed a couple of tiktoks and saved them to his drafts for later. He was about to feed puss puss when his phone buzzed 

"Yagi: Fuck you roach"

 He had enough he was ENRAGED! He then began to type.e typed as fast as his little nugget fingers could move. Screwing up on some of the spelling here and there....And send. He had actually sent it! It was unbelievable at he had said! I mean come on Caleb HAVE SOME RESPECT.

"Caleb: Oi"

Wow... Very anticlimactic Caleb. Well at least he had tried I mean for goodness sake it was yagi after all he couldn't defeat her. Caleb compared to yagi was like putting a snake into a pen with a lion...Whos really gonna win. The lion of course! And the lion represents Yagi and the snake represents Caleb obviously.

~Time Skip~

It was a couple of minutes before the stream so quickly grabbed a glass and poured the very same liquid he has been drinking all day. He had already gone through 4 cartons. Right as the timer  "2:00" he put on the "Be right back screen" and waited. He had gone on his phone for a big and scrolled through some tiktoks seeing his sisters (Emma) tiktok he liked and kept scrolling. He scrolled until he looked up and saw the chat "LATE" "HES LATE." FACK! He was late... Like usual. He quickly came up with an excuse to be late. *presses start*

Caleb: "Hey how you going?"

the chat began to spam there "Hellos" and "#CalebsLate." He mocked them and decided to start the stream. Getting a few donors from people here and there. And then...

Caleb: "Yagi with the 5!"

Yagi: "Roach"

Caleb scoffed at Yagis actions and basically ignored her. He then continued to start the game he was going to play *Insert scary game name here.* Just as the jump scare happened Caleb had drunk some of his goat milk. He yelped like a little girl on Christmas day when she opened the barbie doll she has been wanting. Goat milk flying from all directions Up, Down, Sideways, etc. The chat began to send "F" 

~Time Skip~

It had been a little over the 2-hour mark and Caleb had to scurry he had an important meeting to go to but he was having to much fun with the twitch that he had almost forgotten all about it. He said his goodbyes and so did the chat.

Yagi: "Bye roach"

KawaiiKatie__: "Bye iDiOt"

Wiggles: "BYE!"

Lucy: "Bleh!"

The rest of the chat: "Bye."

~The End of chapter 2~

A/N (AUTHORS NOTE) This was a lot of fun to write and I hope you enjoyed SYS (See you soon)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2019 ⏰

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