- Disbelief -

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Mike Hanlon was another kid who unfortunately had to be raised in a town like Derry. Mike worked at the meat works delivering meat while his uncle did the messy work. Mike was introduced to working in the meat works factory since the day he fell into his uncles custody, way before Mike can even remember, His whole childhood was him being told that he will be expected to work in the factory where he will become a man. Mike stood at the front of a small gate in the dark barn, that smelt like a farm but Mike was use to the smell. Behind the gate was a sheep. Mike held an air compressed gun a few centimetres away from the sheep's head, he was expected to pull the trigger, but this was Mikes first time killing an animal and his emotions got the better of him. He stood there, trembling and sweating as his hand began to shake too much to even get a clear shot. Mikes uncle walked over to him and snatched the gun from his hands, it was very clear to Mike that his uncle was mad and disappointed. "what are you waiting for boy?" His uncles sentence progressively sounded angrier as he said it, Mike still stood staring at the sheep trying not to look at his uncle, but Mike knew that his uncle was waiting for his response, but he didn't get one, Mike said nothing, just stood in shock quietly. "Be a man and pull the damn trigger!" Mikes uncle was clearly losing patience, Mike quickly turned to him "Your not my dad!" He exclaimed, Mike instantly regret what he had said as soon as he saw the look his uncle gave back. "there are two places you can be in this world, out here like us, or in there LIKE THEM", Mike just nodded in return and started towards a pile of wrapped meat ready to be delivered, he needed to get away from his uncle before he made him kill one of the sheep.

Bill Denbrough couldn't stop thinking about him and the guys finally taking the time to look for Georgie. As bill was walking along side his bike (silver) he noticed the drain where Georgie's blood was found drifting through the storm water making the blood glide down into the storm drain. Bill stared at it for a moment, full of anger and hate, all that crossed his mind was 'why Georgie?!', Bill continued walking home, now with his head hanging low and his eyes going blurry from tears flooding his eyes, but Bill refused to let them fall. Bill knew that once the guys go searching for Georgie, that they will find him...hopefully. Bill slowly walked in a daze until he reached the end of his driveway, completely oblivious to his father standing in the garage with anger In his eyes and Bill knew exactly why. In the garage sat a make shift diagram of the Barrens, Bill turned back towards his father to explain, "The B...b..barrens, its the only place that Georgie c...could be" before Bill could explain any more of his plan his father stopped him. Zach and Sharon Denbrough (Bill and Georgie's parents) did not believe that Georgie was still alive, and they desperately wished that bill would grow up and realise that Georgie is now... Long gone. "Bill!, Georgie is not lost in the drains! His dead body might be but not his soul! Georgie is gone!". Bill had no words for his father, His body stood there but showed no sign of life, He was completely frozen. Mr. Denbrough felt bad for the way he worded his anger, but did not regret it, he hoped that this would finally put an end to Bills lost hope for his brother. Mr. Denbrough started towards the door but as his hand held the door knob he turned his head to face Bill who was still standing frozen, "take this down before your mother see's it".

Mike Hanlon was riding his bike through the town of Derry, delivering the wrapped meats like every other day. The town was quiet but Mikes head was not, He was stuck with his Uncles words 'you can be out here like us or in there like them', and in a way he was right, 'maybe its time that I follow through with the work my uncle wants me to do' Mike thought... But his thoughts were quickly interrupted by the roaring of a car engine coming up beside his bike. Mike took a quick glance behind him and noticed the car instantly, It was a shiny blue Trans AM Firebird, a car well known around the town for all the wrong reasons... It was Henry Bowers car full of his goons. Unfortunately for Mike, they were headed straight for him. Just like most of the kids in the dreary old town of Derry, Henry had it in for them, as long as they were nerdy... They had a death wish.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2019 ⏰

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