Chapter 9

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A HUGE thank you to LegendOfLisa1 and louisababs19 for their input  and feedback on this story, and ESPECIALLY this chapter! 😘 😘 

Istanbul, May 2016 (Can 26, Sanem almost 24)

"Can, can you please look these proofs over? We need to send them to the client by the end of business today," Deren asked, gliding over to Can's desk after she let herself into his office without knocking. Deren was the creative director of Fikri Harika, Can and Emre's advertising agency. They had been modestly successful so far, and they were steadily building the agency's reputation for high quality creative work. Can was proud of the work they'd done.

"Of course, Deren. Come, sit down," Can said, indicating the chair on the other side of his desk. Deren was high strung, high maintenance, highly efficient, and highly effective. She ran on coffee and intense ambition. Can suspected she had a crush on him, but she was always very professional, even if her wide eyes did linger on him when she thought he wasn't watching.

There was a knock at the door and Can looked up to see Metin smiling and waving at him through the glass door. Can's face lit up and he waved him in. "Come in, Brother!" he said, getting up from his desk to greet his best friend. They hugged, clapping each other on the back. "You arrived sooner than I expected!"

"Yes, I have some things to talk to you about! We need to catch up," Metin said, smiling.

"Whatever it is, you look very happy! I can't wait to hear about it," Can said. He looked over at his desk and Deren was still sitting there, watching the exchange. "Oh, I'm so sorry! Deren, this is my best friend, Metin. We were in boarding school together, and we went to college together in Milan. He's back in Istanbul now, and will be working as our legal consultant." He looked at Metin. "Metin, this is Deren, our creative director. She's an invaluable member of our Fikri Harika team."

Deren stood up to shake Metin's hand, and she waved off Can's compliment. "Thank you, Can. I just do my job," she said. She turned and looked at Metin. "It's very nice to meet you, Metin Bey."

"Just Metin, please, Deren Hanım," he said. Their eyes locked for a long moment, and he realized he was still holding her hand.

She took her hand from his and smiled shyly. "I have some work to finish, Metin. Please excuse me," she said.

Metin turned to look at Can, before looking back at Deren. "Before you go, I want to extend an invitation to the whole Fikri Harika team to a party at my family home this evening! I'd love to get to know you...all of you, that is...since we will be working together. I hope you can make it, Deren," he said, winking at her.

"I will definitely look at my calendar," she said demurely. She looked at Can. "I'll have CeyCey bring you some tea."

"Thank you, Deren," Can said. Deren nodded and walked out the door.

"Sit down, sit down!" Can said to Metin, showing him to the green sofa against the wall across from his desk. "So? Tell me!"

"So...I'm back early because I didn't travel alone, and my travel partner had to be back today."

"Travel partner, hmm? Stop being vague, Metin, and spit it out!"

Metin laughed. Can knew him well. "Remember the girl I met at the bar the night you first arrived in London back in November? Sani? Well, we're kind of dating now..." he said, unable to hide his smile.

"You have a girlfriend! You. The man who just stood in front of me and flirted with my creative director. I can't believe it!" Can said, smiling at his friend. Metin was not the settle-down-with-one-girl type. He loved women too much for that--he was even more of a playboy than Can--and he was still young.

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