The first day

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It was a nice sunny morning in march as Roman was woken up by his alarm clock. It said 06:30 am. He got out of bed and streched his back "...Good morning Florida!". He brushed his hair and put on some clothes, as he was ready to go downstairs he suddenly remembered "Oh shoot! Sunglasses!" The reason for this were his eyes. His eyes changed their colour based on his mood, this was something he hid from everybody. After that he went downstaires "Good morning mom! Good mor- By Disney that's true! They're out of town!" He exclaimed to himself as he facepalmed for being so forgetful.

Around the same time an another boy woke up, his name was Virgil. Well woke up wasn't really the name you should give it...Because Virgil had been up all night again as he hadn't been able to fall asleep because of a very bad anxiety attack. He got out of bed feeling tired as always, he put on his hoodie and applaid his black eyeshadow over the already dark bags under his eyes. He put on a beanie to hide his ever colour-changing hair. As he passed a window on his way downstaires he hissed "...Why. Why does it always have to be 'so' sunny...?" As he sun hit his pale face "Damn you Florida...." 

Roman was packing his bag as he pushed his sunglasses back on his nose "Oke...Glasses, lenses, books...I think that's it. Well time to go then!" He grabbed his keys and walked out of the door to the bus stop as he hummed the Disney song 'Once upon a dream'. 

Virgil had already packed his bag and had plugged in his headphones to listen to 'My chemical romance' as he was on his way to the bus stop "Well..." He mumbled to himself "Here we go again..." 

Virgil arrived at the bus stop and sat on the bench. A few minutes later Roman also arrived at the bus stop, his face lightned up as he saw him sit there. "Hey there my chemical imbalanced romance!" He greeted and went to sit down next to him. Virgil popped out one of his headphones and looked at the guy sitting next to him as a very thin smile crept on his face "Hey Princey, you're in time for once". "Well I-" Roman was about to start a confersation as the schoolbus arrived. 

(time skip to them arriving at school) 

At 06:45 The bus arrived at their school, Virgil calmly got out as Roman followed him. "So" Roman started "You seem like you had a rough night, I mean you look even more like a stormy thundercloud then normal!" Virgil chuckled softly "We can't all be perfect sir sing-a-lot". Roman laughed a little "I told you before, I like that nickname and I'll keep it. Also I'll see you in a minute I still have to do something". Virgil looked up at him as he pulled up an eyebrow "Sure, cya at play rehersal" 

Roman had walked to the males bathroom to put in his lenses, as sunglasses weren't permitted in class and he still needed a way to hide his colour-changing eyes. After he put them in, the schoolbell rang. "Oh shoot! Got to be quick now!" And he ran over to the classroom in which they had the play rehersal. "PRESENT!" He yelled as he barged into class just before the teacher said that he would be to late. Virgil snickered in the back of the room "You doofus..." as Roman went to sit down next to him.

Hey there everybody this is the first official chapter to this story I hope you enjoyed it ^^ Well I will see you all in the next chapter! 

Peace out!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2019 ⏰

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