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POV Sicheng
I hold the box in my shivering hands. He died because of me. Because of his love for me.

Tears were streaming down my face. I didn't noticed the man in front of us speaking. I was absent the whole time. I didn't wanted to be here. And the only reason why everyone was gathered here was because of someone who died. Who died because of me.
I shook my head softly as I looked up and listens to the man speaking. 

"Nakamoto Yuta, we all have found together today to say goodbye to this wonderful person. He choose his love over his life. He was struggling with Hanahaki. The flowers growing in his throat because of love that wasn't replied. He left a letter and I wand to read it out. It was his last wish."

I were at the edge of having a panic attack. My best friend Kun sitting next to me trying to comfort me.  While the man was taking out the letter I looked in the first row and saw Taeyong crying. He was Yutas best friend. He knew about it and tried to convince Yuta to the surgery but he failed.
I felt anger inside of me. I wanted to scream at him why he gave up. Why he didn't try harder to convince him but I knew, that I was the one his love was too strong for. I was the one not realize what he went through.
I looked up to the man again and he started talking.
"Hey all of you, when you read this I'm already gone but there are still some things left to say. There are things I always wanted to say but I never had the courage to say.
First of all I want to thank every single person that I have ever met in my life. You all are an important part of my life... well you were. And i care for all of you so I don't want you to be sad. I wanted for my funeral a lot of chocolate ice cream..."
I was holding back my tears until now. Chocolate was my favorite ice cream and he knew it. Kun was hugging me trying to calm me down as the to me still unknown man continued speaking
"I want all of you to be happy and smile today. I'm watching you from above. The world is a filthy place. I'm somewhere better now. So don't worry about me. I'm fine. And i want all of you to be happy. Find the ones you love and tell them that you love them. Love them like you would only have 5 minutes left loving them. Because you never know. Maybe some day there will be only 5 minutes left.
And lastly... to this one special person...
Don't blame yourself. Please be happy. Because all I want is you to be happy. I chose to die by myself. You didn't knew anything. It's not your fault. So please eat as much ice cream as you can and smile this beautiful smile that would make all the flowers grow.
Yuta Nakamoto"
The man ended and I stood up rushing out of the room. I couldn't take it. It was raining heavily outside but I didn't care. The rain mixed with my tears as I fell down to the ground. I curled up crying heavily as I blamed myself for everything. I saw yutas mother coming in my direction. I expected her to scream at me, slap me, tell me that it's all my fault but instead she just hugged me. She hugged me as she stroked softly through my hair.
"It's not your fault Sicheng. He chose all of this himself. And be chose right."
She smiled at me but I knew she was at the edge of crying.
"He loved you so much Sicheng. He only wanted you to be happy. And his love for you was making him happy. Until one day it made him sick."
She cupped his face as she stroked away his tears.
"H-He loves you so much... and if he would have got that surgery, he would have lost his feelings for you. And he would never be happy again. So he chose rather to die, then live a life without joy. It was the right choice. And it was his. So please don't blame yourself. What I can tell of the stories Yuta told me you're such an amazing angel. You both are angels and he got his wings."
She started crying and I hugged her.
"W-We should get inside Mrs. Nakamoto"
I said with a shaky voice. She nodded.
She was an angel as well. Any other mother would have slapped me or anything but she... she knew the pain I felt. She felt the same. Maybe even worse.
I gulped heavily as I went back inside with her all eyes focused on me. I went straight to Yutas coffin as I kneeled down in front of it.
"Yuta Nakamoto. You were an fallen angel that now finally got his wings."
I smiled softly.
"Don't worry I'm going to come as well. I will get my wings soon too."
He smiled as he got up.
"Just wait for me."

I walked away to the ice cream as I got myself three scoops with chocolate chips. I sat down on a bench alone eating the ice cream as a woman can up to me.
"You're the reason he died!! You deserve to die as well!"
The woman screamed at me. She was about to slap me as Yutas mother came.
"It's enough!! Don't you dare touch him!"
I opened my eyes just to see Mrs Nakamoto Holding her Hand looking in her eyes.
"Sister! How can you protect him! He killed you son!"
The woman, which seemed to be Yutas aunt looked hatefully at me. I immediately looked down. She was right. I killed him. I was a murder.
"He didn't kill my son! My son decided to leave!! Because my son was acting way more mature than you! He decided to die for love! He gave his life for love unlike you, you filthy slut! You only married because you were chasing after money!"
I stand up and tried to stop them.
"Please don't fight..."
I said as Yutas aunt slapped me so hard that I fell to the ground. I hold my cheek and stood up. I started to run away. I ran until I stopped at a high bridge. I looked down. Without thinking twice, I climbed over the railing of the bridge and looked down. I opened my arms and smiled widely. I smiled because I know I wanted to make flowers grow.
"I'm getting my wings now too Yuta... and I will smile until roses grow."
With that I closed my eyes and slowly let myself fall down the high bride into my death. No into my transformation.
And i was right. I got my wings. And I met him. He was there. Smiling and waiting for me.
I think I love you too Yuta.

Mrs Nakamoto smiled. "You two got your wings now."


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