The Journal of the Last Dragon Descendant

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My head felt dreadful as I closed my eyes and slowly drowned in my sleep. With a shiver, I opened my eyes. Am I awake? I questioned to myself.

I looked around to see where I was. The room was an aqua blue, candles lighting up room, and the bed in which I layed was made of a red, velvety silk which soothed my skin. As I tried to get out of the glorious bed, my head ached terribly. As I slowly stumbled to the only mirror in the room, I looked at myself.

I wore a beautiful blue silk nightgown and my hair was a auburn shade with curls falling down. I looked a little closer and saw my eyes. I gasped in shock at what I saw. My eyes were a shade of teal blue.

I knew I needed to relax. This was just a dream, but curiosity caught me as I slowly moved to the nearest and only window. As I gazed out, I saw a huge forest surrounding this palace and keeping guard from the ocean which was a perimeter around it. My eyes caught a fast movement outside the window, but then it quickly vanished back into the woods.

A loud knocking on the wooden bedroom door awoke me from my curiosity, and suddenly the door swung open. In the doorway, a young man, maybe in his 20s, with sandy blonde hair and goldish, brown eyes spoke with urgency, "Princess Summer, please hurry and get dressed. You will meet the Prince. Also, my name is Luke."

I stood there astonished and then in a hushed voice, said, "My name is Tatiana, not Summer, and I am not a Princess. Where are we?"

He simply smiled. "Yes. You are the Princess Summer, the only heir of the Great Dragon, and we are in Cyron. Now hurry and get dressed," and with that, he shut the door. I looked in the closet and took out a beautiful turquoise gown. I quickly threw it on and placed a beautiful opal necklace around my neck and walked out the door. Before I knew it, Luke was dragging me through the hallways of the cream colored palace until we halted at a throne room. He quickly opened the door and shoved me through before I could even take a breath.

I stumbled in and fell to the ground with a clatter. I quickly looked up and a man, about 15, with brown hair and blue eyes glanced at me and quickly helped me up. He was amazing with his chiseled face and body; he looked as if he could be a god. My cheeks felt red and I knew I was blushing. It felt like love at first sight.

He helped me up and for the first time spoke. "Hello, Princess Summer. It's nice to meet you. My name is Prince Ryan, soon to be the King of Cyron."

His voice spoke it a velvet and cool tone. It relaxed me as I smiled and quickly blurted out, "King of Cyron? Who are you marrying?"

He simply smiled and said only one word, "You."

My heart stopped and I knew what he meant. It was going to be a marriage against my will. I suddenly felt hatred for the guy who I believed I fell in love with a moment ago. My facial expressions hardened and I turned defensive. He marched towards me and took my face with his hands and tried to kiss me, but somehow, I was too quick. I put my hand forward and yelled, "GET AWAY!" In under a minute, a red force that looked like fire pushed him away from me. With a groan, he hit the wall. Blood marked the wall from his back.

I looked at my hands and wondered how I did that. My palm had a small mark in the figure of a striking dragon, which was glowing a violent red. As I moved my fingers over the mark, the dragon seemed to come to life. I gasped and slowly fell to the floor. What had happened to me? What did I turn into?

Suddenly, the door burst open and at least 40 guards marched in. I knew this moment was not good for me. Luke was in the front of the guards and quickly went over the situation. He motioned to the prince, then me. As guards moved towards me, I put my hands out and the dragon recoiled from my palm, ready to strike. As soon as they saw this, the guards backed up. I smiled and laughed as I slowly stood up. My voice sounded as poisonous as venom when I spoke. "You should go make sure that Prince Ryan is ok," I ordered.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2013 ⏰

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