The Talk

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You run and run and run. The walls tower high above as you get lost in the web of trees, bushes, and shrubs. You follow Ryan until you both are in what appears to be the center of the maze and he turns to face you.

"Why?" Ryan asks simply. He sit down and leans against the maze wall. "Why the hell would you say yes Theresa? You don't really love him do you?" He looks up at you expectantly, waiting for an answer. You can see the doubt in his eyes.

"I..." You look around, expecting Loki to be somewhere near, listening to everything you say, waiting to make you pay for any answer other than yes. "...I don't know."

"That's bullshit." Ryan stands. "...and if it isn't... Well, I thought you were different." He starts to back away when you grab his hand and pull him close to you.

"I can't say anything, he could be listening." You whisper in Ryan's ear and wrap your arms around his shoulders.

"But I love you Ryan, never doubt that." You look into his eyes for a moment before making a move that you know you will pay for later.

You close your eyes, lean in, and kiss him. He doesn't react at first but when he does he softens quickly. The hard mask that he was wearing earlier is completely washed away and he comes to life.

It doesn't do anything for you though. It's nothing like it was before, your heart doesn't flutter, you don't get butterflies in your stomach, fireworks don't go off inside your head. Instead it just feels awkward.

You love Ryan, you know that, you don't even have to convince yourself of it. So why don't you feel it anymore when you kiss him? It's not that he's a bad kisser, definetly not, any girl would swoon. So what is it?

He pulls back and looks at you intently, his eyes light up and he appears happy so you attempt to mirror his image. It must work.

"How are you going to get away?" Ryan asks now that you have his trust.

"What do you mean, how am I going to get away? " You ask in disbelief. "Are you insane? If I step one foot outside of this palace were going to die. Loki will throw a tantrum or some shit. Plus, the only time I tried to escape he ended up finding me within less than an hour."

You leave out the part where you called for him because you suck at fending for yourself.

You already look pathetic enough agreeing to marry Loki because you're being forced into it. You might as well not mention that you wanted him to come by choice.

"So what are you going to do? Marry him?" Ryan pushes away for a second and looks you in the eyes. You know how ridiculous it must sound but you don't see any other option.

"Do you have any better suggestions?" You counter. He doesn't reply so you take that as a no.

"I have to gain his trust. Especially if he knows that I still love you. Then I'll be lucky if he doesn't end up killing you."

Ryan stares at you wide eyed. "What? Psycopaths do that sort of crap, I've seen him kill someone myself." You tell him. Well that isn't completely true, but you saw saw what he did to those men.

You hear footsteps coming towards you and both you and Ryan push apart immediatly.

"Loki?" You stare at the opening as him and one of his clones march through the maze. His clone, or maybe Loki, grabs Ryan and twists his arms around his back.

"Come with me." Loki says roughly and yanks you by the hand. He walks quickly through the paths as if he knows where every twist and turn leads. Ryan and his clone follow at your heels as you make your way towards the palace.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2014 ⏰

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