WWhen He Lovved Me

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Your name is Sollux Captor. And today you are in Feferi's hive to help her with a few things. She told you that Eridan was also helping out, but that he was in a different room, sorting out the discarded fishing nets. To make them into more useful objects. Like rope. And more rope. That was OK with you, as long as you didn't have to go see the violet blood.

But eventually Fef wanted you to go take more fishing nets to Eridan, and, being the gentlemen you are, you did so anyway. Begrudgingly of course. You wonderd if you could get away with just dropping the nets on the floor and leaving, hoping the seadweller would see them. Effectively not making contact with him at all. You thought this was a brilliant idea.

You neared the room where Eridan was and proceeded to dump the nets on the floor. But a voice stopped you. No it wasn't Fef. And it wasn't Eridan either. Well, no, it was Eridan, but he wasn't talking. He was singing.

"Wwhen somebody lovved me, evvery thing wwas beautiful...Evvery hour wwe spent together livves wwithin my heart..." You watched as he moved about the room, untangling the net, and weaving the song so delicately within. You wanted to inturupt, but something told you not to.

"And wwhen he wwas sad, I wwas there to dry his tears...and wwhen he wwas happy, so wwas I, wwhen he lovved me..." You were certain that the song was about Feferi. But Eridan kept saying 'he'. You wondered about who this troll was that had stolen, then apparently broken, the highbloods heart.

"Through the summer and the fall wwe had each other, him and me, the twwo of us together, it wwas ment to be..." You were listening quite intently now. Hiding behind the door way, to that he could not see you, but you could still listen in to his song. You had to admit, he sounded beautiful. And, even though you don't like Eridan, you vowed to exact revenge on the troll who broke his heart. You shook your head. You shouldn't be thinking this. You didn't actually care for Eridan. Right?

"And wwhen he wwas lonely, I wwas there to comfort him, and I kneww that he lovved me...then one starry night, evvery thing changed, and I wwatched him drift awway... I wwas left alone..." You slid down to a sitting position, you could feel the heartbreak as Eridan let the words flow from his mouth. You wanted to find out what happened to him. You really did. If something caused him this much hurt, you wanted to try and comfort him. Even just a tiny bit. Jeeze you sound all mushy now...

"Still I awaited for the day wwhen he'd say, I wwill alwways lovve you... Lonley and forgotten, nevver thought he'd look my wway." You felt bad for Eridan, he only wanted love. And clearly whoever this troll was, didn't give him any, after that 'Starry night'. You wondered what happened. Maybe Eridans science stick malfunctioned and caused the troll to lose his memory... Perhaps.

"And he smiled at me, and he held me, like he used to do. Like he lovved me, wwhen he lovved me. Wwhen somebody lovved me, evverything wwas beautiful..." You snuck a peek inside the room, thankfully Eridans attention was elsewhere, and looked around. Everything was normal. But you could see Eridans face. He was crying. Violet tears streaked down his face, and a light purple blush covered his cheeks. You just wanted to run into the room and hold him till he calmed down. Huh, that was weird. As you thought about wanting to hold Eridan, a memory flashed in your head, about holding Eridan. But you were both happy. You don't remember that memory.

"Evvery hour wwe spent together, livves wwithin my heart. Wwhen he lovved me..." Wait. Yes, you do remember. It was a few days ago. You had hugged Eridan, because you had finally fixed the whole, Dave virus thing, once and for all. He was the only one in the room at the time, and you were very excited. Why would that memory come up at time like this? You noted that Eridan had finished singing "Hmm? More net? Huh, guess I didn't see it before..." You jumped. If Eridan walked over here, he would see you eavesdropping. You split second think. Stay, and let Eridan see you, which would most likely lead to questions, and theirfore answers. Or leave quickly and pretend you didn't hear or see what you just saw. Oops no time to chose.

"S-Sollux!?" You look up and see a still slightly disgruntled Eridan, purple stains on his cheeks, the only evidence of him crying. You stand "uh... H-Hey ED. I uh... Brought thome more net for you...heh...heh..." Eridan blinks for a second "D-did you uh..." You cut in "Hear you thinging? Yea...thorry for eavesdropping. I couldn't help it though... You thounded tho thad..." Eridan backed up into the room slowly, looking as though he was about to start crying again. You panicked slightly and followed him in "Look, ED, I'm thorry, I didn't mean to, uh.. Well..." Eridan shakes his head "It...Its ok...I just..." You walk closer "You jutht what?" Eridan looks at you, with the same heart broken face he made while singing. He smiled sadly "I'm sorry Sol..." You looked at him confused "I don't understand ED...Why? You haven't done anything." Eridan laughed, but the sound was hollow and dead "But that's just it... I havven't done anything... I wwould be shellfish to do so... To take you awway from your lovve... Just because I missed you..." You freeze. What was Eridan implying?!

You stared at the Violet blood for a while "Eridan...Are you thaying that...I...I wath the one you were thinging about?" Eridan shook his head "It doesn't matter! Go! Go back to Fef...She might need you... Go...please Sol... Before I do somefin I might regret..." He turned away from you, going back to untangling the nets. You don't move from your spot. All of a sudden hundreds of memory's start flooding back into your head. Memorys of you and Eridan, together. You were holding him, hugging him, he comforted you, you were both happy, he cheered you up when you were sad. And then, you saw a starry sky. Eridan was practicing science. You had mind honey in your hand, you felt mad. Eridan looked so happy. You ate the honey, no... Why arent you stopping. You can't eat this! The memory breaks a little as you see glimpses of Eridan, first confused, then scared, he's crying, he's begging you to stop, he wants you back. You want the memory to stop. You remember the day after. You woke up on a grassy hill. That was the day you remembered you hated Eridan. You were the troll that broke his heart. You remembered you loved him. You realize you still do.

Eridan is facing away from you, but you can hear his quiet sobs. You smile sadly, and move in front of him. He looks at you confused. You brush away his tears with your hand, and cup his face. You gentily kiss him. You pull away and hug him tightly. He hugs you back immediately. You grin and rub his back "I will alwayth love you..."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2014 ⏰

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