Twins of Fate

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She was running. Once again her pure black floor-length gown flapped behind her in the harsh wind. The wind blew so fiercely that it sent Reina's straight, waist-length Silver hair, all around her. The field, she now realized she was in, was only partially visible to her due to the mist that rushed around her.

As a clouded darkness shrouded the field she began to walk forward, as if by someone's command.

Reina stiffened as she saw the figure that had been haunting her, step out of the surrounding darkness. Only his masculine outline and his glinting steel sword were visible in the poor lighting. The man pointed his terrible sword straight at her chest.

As usual the man in front of her stiffened and prepared to strike her down, delivering the final and most fatal blow, but was stopped mid swing. The familiar and most welcome warm jet of fiery light consumed him once more. As it did so it also woke her from the uncomfortable slumber that had trapped her all night.

This dream was different though; as she came to, the words that he spoke echoed in her mind clearly this time, whispering and shouting in a combined hiss around her, "We shall meet again at the rejoining of two. When all shadows will be thought to have been vanquished and night thought to have become day." She rose from her bed with a foreboding sense that she knew this man was not lying, and that she should heed his words.

Reina closed her hazel, green flecked eyes, trying to usher the dream and his message away from her mind. She shivered with cold fear as if the cold tendrils of the dream still clung to her. Her heart was pounding in her chest, as if it were trying to escape the blade that had been so determined to down her.

The dream was becoming too much to bear now. It was starting to affect her sleeping habits as well as her training. Reina closed her eyes and sighed putting her hand on her head.

Her father was becoming worried about her. Just the other day he had stopped her training because she had been too tired to go on. She was dropping in stamina, and quickly.

Reina made up her mind; she would tell her father before it got any worse. Maybe he could help her get past the dream and finally regain the normalcy of life again. Reina slipped into her slippers and grabbed her blue silk shawl from her large walk-in closet. Shivering against the cool breeze that flooded the large halls of her home she walked towards her father's study, knowing that he would most likely be awake at this hour.

Their house was spacious with twelve rooms. Four bedrooms with one bathroom off of each, a kitchen, a front room to greet guests, a large library, and her father's study. Her room was on the opposite side of the house, giving Reina and her father enough privacy and enough room not to disturb the other.

Most people in her clan, the Derkaz clan, didn't have studies or libraries. They hardly had any extra rooms for themselves. Most families also consisted of at least four people, but not Andrew and Reina Blacksky. No one knew, but Andrew, what had happened to Reina's mother. Reina herself didn't know, but she had a nagging feeling her mom was important to her dream and she was determined to find out why.

Once at the end of the hallway she took a left to her father's study and knocked lightly when she reached the door. The door swung open a little as she knocked. She glanced in and saw her father inside, staring at a picture with a soft and pained look. His eyes were red.

Reina new then that it must be a picture of her mother. He only got that look in his eyes when he would glance at it before retiring to bed. These were always rare moments when she knew that he still mourned her mother. She pushed the door open a little wider and whispered "Father?" Andrew looked up in surprise as she entered the study hiding the picture behind him, quickly wiping his eyes.

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