Chapter 1: Human

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Piss and blood. Not a very unusual smell in this part of town, but a brick to the senses, nonetheless. Unwashed bodies filled the air with a stench that burned the nose and the cheap, watered-down-ale stained wood floors didn't help the Pit's case either. The underground fighting ring, located in the worst part of the slums, was filled to the brim with blank eyed courtesans, mafia bosses, and any other sort of low life imaginable.

And from the very center came roars of hundreds of spectators and gamblers. The screams could be heard from nearly a one-mile radius, echoing against every wall, and even though the Pit was painfully obvious, no police officer dared to challenge it. For, most were corrupt; bought off by the higher mafia boss' or worked beneath the law when the sun went down. Even the true and good-hearted officers were either terrified of the power the Pit held in its decrepit hands or had little to no power to shut it down. So, the Pit flourished in its man-made misery while law enforcement was forced to watch from afar in their own hell. 

So, the cops never really got to see with their own eyes, what produced so much terror in the first place, only got to hear the rumors that plagued the city of Altea. For what the culprits of the scream's witnessed that day were two other desperate souls beating each other to a pulp, hoping to gain a small fraction of the Pits almost endless stash of cash. 

What made it almost barbaric was the large circular ditch that barred in the two contestants. The gambler's and spectators were placed all around the crosshatching fence, cheering and booing the two fighters. Many of them reeked of intoxication.

While the gamblers crowded around the fighting ring, higher forms in the crime world oversaw them in personal or private booths raised just a story above them. Each had a perfect view of the showdown as well as complementary wine, red velvet couches, and blood money encasing them in greed. 

The Pit was no place to make a living, but people got desperate. Keith got desperate. 

That's how he wound up bouncing on the balls of his feet, hands wrapped in white tape, and hair pulled back in a ponytail; waiting for his turn in the ring. Another uproar echoed around the Pit, almost causing Keith to hold his hands against his ears.  The smaller fighter, who had been struggling the entire match, hung limp between the other fighters triangulated arm. Either dead or unconscious. It was hard to tell. 

An ear blasting horn temporarily drowned out the noise of the howling spectators around the poorly lit cavern, signaling the fight was over and time for them to place new bets. Keith looked back at the 'Cage Master' and snarled when he was shoved out into the circle. The echo of the cage door shutting, and shouting filled his head with a buzz. Bets were placed. 

Keith willed his face to emit pure confidence as he turned to face his opponent. And that's when Keith broke out in a cold sweat. The fighter towered over Keith, eyes glinting with blood lust and a crooked grin that showed off yellow and chipped teeth. He cracked his knuckles, rolled his neck and laughed. "Where are yah? I hope 'e didn't run away, 'cause I can't see 'em."

The crowd burst into laughter. The man grinned. Keith narrowed his eyes and cupped his hand around his ear, "Sorry I didn't get that, I don't speak bullshit." Keith knew he wasn't a skyscraper like most people, but he never counted is 5'8'' stature tiny, so he couldn't help but get annoyed. Again, the crowd erupted, just before the horn screeched. Keith's opponent barreled towards him, arms outreached, and his fingers curled into fists. Keith, in return, rolled to the side. Dust floated behind him in response. 

The man skidded to a stop before whipping back around to face Keith. He growled. A grin graced Keith's face as he couldn't help but say, "I was hoping for a battle against someone with wit, but I'm afraid that I have to attack an unarmed man." The crowd roared. More bets placed. Keith's opponent swung a meaty hand at his face. 

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