Chapter Two

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The party carried on. Beer pong was being played, people were throwing up in the bathtubs, the pool was overly full. Nicole was nowhere to be found so that left Ezra to explore the house she was in while aimlessly trying to push her way through the crowds that swarmed every room in the house.

With nothing to do and no one to talk to, she made her way back to the table that contained food. Chips in a big bowl, dip in a small casserole dish, punch in a juice container and more. Ezra grabbed a paper plate and stuck some chips onto it along with a slice of pizza then headed over to a couch where she squeezed in next to a young couple who couldn't keep their hands off each other and didn't know what personal space was.

After devouring her food and placing the plate on a nearby table, Ezra sank into the couch, staring at the ceiling above her and began to think to herself to pass the time by. Only ten minutes went by when a voice drifted through the room, bringing her attention back to the crazed party.

"Ezra? Ezra, hey!" Looking up, she noticed a taller boy standing in front of her. His dirty blonde hair had grown longer, his jaw was more defined and he had gotten more muscular since high school. His style also improved. Or at least he tried now. His black jeans and white shirt was accompanied by a black sweater.

"Liam Grayson? Holy shit, how are you?" Ezra stood from the comfortable brown couch, hugging Liam for a short second before stepping back. He smiled down at her as they separated.

"Not bad, yourself?" He replied with his hands deep in his pockets. Ezra shrugged, peering off to the side, her eyes catching on some guy who had a twenty-one pilots shirt on.

"Eh, been better,"

"I hear ya' there. What're you doing here anyway? This doesn't seem like your kind of thing." Liam leaned against the fireplace on his right, careful not to knock over the neatly placed row of family pictures they had.

"It's not really—at all. Nicole dragged me here," Ezra explained, nodding her head to herself. Liam shook his, chuckling to himself as he glanced at the dark wooden floor.

"You guys are still friends, huh? That doesn't surprise me though, you guys always kept close." Ezra laughed. He wasn't wrong. Nicole and her stuck together through everything and made it out strong. Nothing could break their friendship, they had been through too much together for anything to break them apart.

"Yep, like two peas in a pod," She joked, crossing her arms over her chest. As much as she enjoyed talking to someone from her past, she noticed the anxious feeling she had growing in her stomach. She never strayed far from her small group. Even with Liam being a kid she grew up with, she felt a pang of awkwardness settle over her.

"That's for sure. What's up with you now?"

"University. Life crushing debt, not having the will to live. You know, the usual." Liam laughed, shaking his head as he kicked off the fireplace, shaking the trophies and frames on top. His eyes widened and hands flew up to try to block them if they attempted to fall, luckily they didn't.

"Wow, sounds interesting." He tried to continue, playing it off as nothing happened. Ezra's lips curled up into a childish grin, his personality hadn't changed at all.

"As it should," Ezra finished, mock bowing to him. Liam rolled his eyes as three girls came up behind him. A tall redhead grabbed his shoulders, attempting to scare him but failing. She only shrugged when he squinted his eyes at her.

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