Hello! (A/N)

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Hello, This is your author here, This is not really important but I wanted to give a few warnings,

-Hella stupid jokes
-Mature content, (That's later on in the book tho.)

Thanks so much if you read this, Also here are some OCs that will be included in the book.

                         Hatsumatsu Mei           Kiyaohosu Binii               Zize Kanaii
                         Age: 15                         Age: 16                            Age: 16
                         Gender: F                    Gender: F                       Gender: F
                         Height: 5'0                   Height: 5'4                    Height: 5'3
                         Quirk: Hand Lasers     Quirk: Mime                   Quirk: Mind Control

P.S. I know this is hella stupid but I could choose so which one do you guys like for Binii's hair?  





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