A Teaser Trailer

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Logolepsy (n.) an obsession with words.

Following the story of two young people as they embark on a journey of self-discovery and deep connection, through the exploration of the power and beauty of words as they bring to creation stories of their own.


"Why do you love words so much?"

The question weaved itself as a breathless whisper from his lips, dancing through the air with a curiosity and thrill unlike any other that could have been created on an afternoon as grey as that one. The rain fell silently outside the window and their two now empty coffee cups had been pushed to the side, making room for the new confidants to bend towards each other across the table.

"Do you truly want to know?" the girl asked. The softness of her voice was sweetly enticing as it brushed against the boy's ear drums, and he inherently leaned in even closer.

"More than anything," he said.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2014 ⏰

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