Messing with zach

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This is my last year of being in the same school as Zach I knew he was closeted not like one of those closet gays that are kept to themselves and doesn't open up about anything,he was more of a person that wouldn't be afraid to show his true colors just hated when anyone would try to label it as something he's not comfortable with,he didn't like the word gay he thought that it made him seem small and girlish witch he was he had a high pitched voice compared to the other kids in his class that have been "growing up" in his class,he waked weirdly compared to other guys,he cared about himself way more than other guys he was just,not like the rest the only time he felt like he could be himself 100% of the time was when he was with me,with me nothing was considered gay or needing of the words "no homo" to make it okay,it was just funny

Zach just wanted to fit in and not be popular because he was "sitting on a 8th graders lap" (actually did happen btw) or because he was the considered the kid that was gay,or the guy that has a 15 year old boyfriend and how they both stayed back.

Honestly I kinda liked the rumors about us always gave us something to talk about like how just because he gave me a side hug in the hallway people who didn't even know of us last year would call him gay and say that he has a boyfriend

I think that had more to do with the fact that he already acted so feminine hand snaps and all,not saying that people calling him gay is his fault just saying that it shouldn't matter what other people think of you especially if it's someone you don't even know.

I kinda felt bad for Zach sometimes,but at the same time I couldn't like him either how he used to like yell at me to stop being gay for no reason at all I didn't do anything about it because I was a better person than that,and after he did all that he just snuggled into my arm on the bus ride home no words no hi's no bye just body language between me and him a conversation of what my arm around his waist meant to him and how he would rest his head against my shoulder and seemingly fall asleep.

But those bus rides were no secret usually he would rush me to the front of the bus just to have the most amount of "hugging" he could get he would never call it cuddling,it started as asking for a hug and never letting go his small arms around my waist and head resting on my chest I could tell he liked it I never asked if it made us anything honestly at the time I didn't even know how to spell his first name,but I knew that he probably wouldn't get this type of connection with anyone else with the most that guys you ever is "bromance" and just a quick dabbing up to each other.

I wanted to confuse the hell out of him like this one day I was mad at him because he took my phone and didn't give it back until the whole bus ride where we just sat next to each other with just a slight thigh touch,and the end of the day on the bus ride home I was turned talking to my friends in the seat behind me,while I was still "mad" at him I place my hand on his thigh he didn't say anything not even when I moved my hand slightly higher and higher,I was feeling nervous to think that I actually might end up grabbing his dick just off being "mad" at him i would move my hand from the upper part of his knee to the middle of his thigh,with me trying to delay my grabbing the dick that I know he doesn't have(story for another time) I move higher basically to his pants pockets he's way smaller than me so just imagine what I was close to,I move my hand slowly down in the middle of his thigh and start rubbing the inner part of his thigh,he's pale but not that white but just light enough for me to see that all this thigh rubbing is making him red as heck I look down to see if he's trying to do anything with my hand rubbing his inner thigh then I feel a hand on top of my hand.

He grabes my hand and starts to move it up his leg towards his dick I wanted to know if he was serious about this like right here right now,I look into his eyes he had a slight grin on his face he was happy about this why how,that was one of the times when I knew he wasn't straight to begin with anyway I stop as close as I possibly could be without touching anything I wasn't supposed to,the bus stops it was my stop thank god that I didn't get myself into something I didn't want to I mean If I kept going who knows what could've happened we could've ended up giving bj's behind someone's house or Mabye just a simple hand job a dry one but a hand job or we would kiss and never talk about it but all I knew after that happened was to never think Zach would pussy out of anything ever.

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