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(Y/N) and the Anarchy sisters were in a nearby sweet shop, celebrating their victory against a new Ghost.
(Y/N) was quite surprised that Panty agreed to spend time in the sweet shop, but she was flirting with the cashier and a lot of other men in the shop, so she wasn't that surprised after all.

Stocking, on the other hand, had her face burried in a pile of cupcakes and treats as she was eating them all with great speed.

(Y/N) soon began to feel bored, when two familiar figures appeared in front of the shop.

Two demon girls were watching (Y/N) and the Anarchy sisters from the sweet shop. They appeared to be sisters, and they were getting along quite well. They even had matching uniforms, as expected.

"There she is! I see her." One of them said. She had short blue hair and she was wearing glasses.

"Oh! You're definetly right, Ms. Kneesocks! I see her too!" The other sister said. She had long green hair and she was jumping around cheerfully.

"Be quiet, dear sister. We can't let them see us before we make our grand entrance!" Kneesocks commented, "Alright, are you ready?"

"Ready!" The green haired demon sister nodded and they made their way into the shop.

Suddenly, everyone in the sweet shop went quiet, as a red carpet rolled onto the floor, and then, the two Demon Sisters, Scanty and Kneesocks, showed up in front of them.

"Greetings, everyone!" ,Kneesocks waved, "Missed us??"

"'ve gotta be shittin' me..",Panty groaned, "What do you fatherfuckers want?!"

"Oh my...that smell..Do you smell that, Ms. Kneesocks?" Scanty grabbed her nose, with a smirk on her face.

"Yes, of course I do..that awful could be no-one else but the toilet sisters! Panty and Stocking! And oh? Who do we have here?", Kneesocks adjusted her glasses and looked at (Y/N) directly in the eye.

"Oh my! Ms. Kneesocks! Could it be...(Y/N)?" Scanty gasped.

(Y/N)'s eyes widened. Out of all the people she didn't want to meet ever again, these two were on the top of the list.

"Wow, it really is her..(Y/N), how are you? We haven't seen you for so long, our dear ally." Kneesocks chuckled slightly.

"K-Kneesocks..Scanty...", (Y/N) said under her breath. She was full-on trembling.

"I'm confused. But who cares, I'll go back to eating sugar." Stocking mumbled.

"Oh, you don't know how much we miss you..Our ally, our comrade, our friend..Such a shame you had to leave us so soon, and befriend these sorry excuses of Angels.." Scanty continued.

"What the fuck?! (Y/N), you know these tomato ass bitches?!" Panty turned to the shivering (Y/N).

"It's not what you think it is...!" (Y/N) shouted. For once, her voice had actual emotion in it.

"Oh, she doesn't just know us, she works for us." Scanty corrected.

(Y/N) shaked as she slowly put her fist in front of them. "I-If you don't s-shut up this instant...I-I'll beat the hell out of you...!"

"Oh? Such agressive behaviour.. What do you know, (Y/N), our teammate, has suddenly left us and poof! We find her teaming up with the toilet sisters behind our back. You truly are a traitor, (Y/N).." Kneesocks scoffed.

Panty was a bomb that was slowly counting down to zero, when it will explode.

"ALRIGHT! I'VE HAD IT WITH YOUR TEAMMATE BULLSHIT! For once, I must agree with the tomato bitches! YOU ARE ONE FUCKING TRAITOR, (Y/N)! This 'friendship' started with a fight.." Panty took off her panties which turned into her guns,  "And so it will end.."


Geeky Love (Brief X Reader) (Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now