A new school

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Agust 23, 2014 my name is Leo Phosep Wood I am 14 year old I move from Main to Kansas Because my mother got a job there I have tree sisters, two twins and a baby sister also a dog called sparky.
All Leo had was his drums and his dreams to became a famous drummer and to start a band although he doesn't go to a drum lesson but he knows about music.
While I was walking to my new school a girl said hi and she wanted me to be her friend I,her name was Vickie Sipson but I am mostly antisocial and don't get along with people.
When I was 6 years old my dad died of Cancer in his nuts the only thing we keep was his dost because we burn him. After school mom aske me how was school and I told her that I mad a new friend.
The nex day Vickie told my to be careful of Ron Carson because he bullis everyone in school , wen I was getting to history class I so a girl so biutefoll that code ent get my eyes of her Vikie tould me she was Kelly Jackson she past and I lost my mine and only cudent say hello, Vikie told my that she is a very good guitar plaeor.
At jim class Mr. Will told ous that in our first jim class we were gona play volleyball girls in one team and boys in a noder. When we started to play volleyball I saw that Kelly was a very good player.
Three month later Vickie red in the calendar at school that the talent show was coming up. That she wanted to be in the talent show whith me.

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