01 - Unplanned Confessions (Shikamaru x Reader)

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Shoji. Something that would seem so easy to play, yet can be so very hard... when you play it with the wrong people.

And that was exactly was 2 particularly intelligent ninjas did.

For everyday, everyday for the last 2 months of the Autumn season in the Village Of The Hidden Leaf, Konohakagure, that was exactly what (Y/N), a genin from team 9 and Shikamaru Nara, the boy whom everyone would have known to be a skillful, yet lazy genius would do together.

But however, on one particular meeting, something happened, something which Shikamaru Nara... wouldn't think of... as a drag.

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The air was breezy, the moonlight seemed to hit every corner of their youtful faces. Both of them playing a confused facade, however knowing exactly what to do next inside.

"At this point we might as give up, let's just agree on something," (Y/N) said.

"And what is that?", Shikamaru replied.

"That we are both, equals, plus we've been playing Shoji for atleast 6 hours!", (Y/N) said.

Shikamaru looked at the wooden clock which was located above (Y/N)'s head.

"Oh, what a drag, you're right. Its already 9:07," he said.

"Uh-huh," (Y/N) replied, scratching her eye and yawning, with the little amount of energy she had left.

She looked at Shikamaru, and she smiled weakly. It was really nice that she had a friend like him. He was calm, intelligent and undoubtfully... attractive, even if he was lazy.

"Shi-Shika kun," she said.

"Huh?", he replied.

"I think it's best if *Yawns* I get going now, Shino (Brother) might be worried about me," she said.

Shikamaru nodded, then cleaned up the shoji board.


Usually, he's a pretty lazy fellow. Not doing much, and not being much at all. But when he began to become friends with (Y/N), he felt like he wanted to change himself, for her.

She was a hard worker like Lee, a genius like Neji and sometimes even a bit lazy.... like Shikamaru. And what didn't go unnoticed was that she was... attractive like.. Sasuke.

Even though she was from the Aburame clan, she didn't like to go all put on the clothing, it was simple, yet stylish. And she was quite good looking as well, which made other people question her brother, Shino, if he really was good looking, like her.

When they'd hang out, it may seem like he didn't think much of her. But, he really did.

Her giggles she makes when she sees something funny, the sighing sound she makes when she gets frustrated and, the touch of her hands with his, which happened occassionally. Little things.


"Would you like for me to walk you home?", Shikamaru offered.

"Oh, uh, sure, that'd be nice," (Y/N) replied.

He lazily gave his hand to her and soon, they embarked on a short journey, towards her home.


Her hand was a bit cold, soft and felt.... safe. He could see her house from a short distance, and glanced at her.

"Shikamaru, what are you doing?"

"I-uh sorry, I just thought-"

"It's fine. I don't mind."

Shikamaru was puzzled. She... doesn't?

"Playing shoji has thought me a few things,"

"And what is that?"

"That...It doesn't matter what we do, I win or lose, you win or lose, only one thing matters,"

There was a short pause.

"It's being with you."

I remembered the first time we met. I remembered how Naruto used to call us soulmates and constantly tried to push us nearer to each other. It was a drag.

I remembered how you would make me so envious inside when you would giggle with Kiba, instead of me.

I remembered thinking that if I invited you to play Shoji, maybe we could  be together more often.

Because nothing else really mattered, when it was just you and me.

"I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-"

(Reader's P.O.V)

And there it was, the touch, the feeling of my lips touching yours.

And I felt nothing else, I just felt you, I felt how your hand touched my cheek, how our feet were touching and how... good it felt.

And a part of me suddenly wished.... that those lips were the only ones that I would have ever felt.

Normal P.O.V

Pulling away, the two both gasped for air. Their faces tinted with a deep colour of red.

"I... enjoyed that."

"I did too, a lot."

"We should do it more often, then."

Their eyes met, the eyes which were filled with lust and infatuation.

"Will you- maybe if you want to, be mine? It's alright if you don't, I know that we both are busy with ninja stuff."

"Of course I will.... Just don't mess with my insects or else I might be your last partner, hehe."

They both laughed for a while then stopped.

She kissed him one last time before heading inside, leaving the stiffened boy, feeling happy.

"Goodbye, Shika."

"Goodbye, (Y/N)"


"(Y/N), where have you been? Is that.... did you mess with the ant colony again?", Shino asked.

"No, why do you ask?", she replied.

"It's because your cheeks are very red."


A/N: heiyo hope you enjoyed that!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2019 ⏰

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