Chapter 1

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"A pro should always be ready to risk his life. Without power, can one become a hero? No, I should think not."

As those words came from the blonde man in front of him, Izuku Midoriya felt his heart clench.
Sure, he had heard it all before, 'give up' and 'get real' and 'grow up', but as long as he could look up to that great symbol, the one who stood before him, despite his usually imposing figure being reduced to such a feeble state, he turned a deaf ear towards it all.

He was his inspiration and aspirations all rolled up into one.

And yet. 

And yet, All Might, the number one hero, the man he wanted to become, had just told him the exact same thing everyone else had been telling him since he was four years old.

"If you desire to help people, becoming a police officer is always an option. Those Villain Custody Officers are often mocked but... That too is admiral work!"

'No!' Izuku thought, as his eyes burned and tears pricked their corners, 'this wasn't what you were meant to say, why does no one ever know what to say?'

"It's not wrong to dream..." The symbol of justice said as he began leaving the roof, "However... You need to be realistic, kid."

'Please!' The boy screamed in his mind as he heard the receding footsteps. 'You can do it! It's all I need!' But before he could even finish that thought, All Might was gone.

It took Izuku thirty minutes to move his feet from that same spot, his eyes puffy from tears, he wiped the snot from his nose with the back of his hand, sniffled and began to trek home.
He shut out the world around him, and shuffled his feet through the familiar route to his house.
His mind ran a mile a minute, thoughts of all those who had looked down on him, all the looks, all the jeers, all that NOISE.

The green haired boy clenched his fist.

He knew.

He had always known.

This was the reality.

Even so he had tried so hard, he had tried hard because he had known; Maybe it was time to give up.

He didn't have to be a hero to save people, he was smart and good at analysis, he could be an administrator for a hero company, or, like All Might had said, a police officer.

Except, he didn't want to.

That wasn't his dream, that wasn't what he had worked so hard for.

Unfortunately, there was nothing he could do, he was just weak, quirkless Deku.

The boy released a long sigh.

He was exhausted, not only because of today's events, but because of the slowly culminating stress of giving what he considered his all despite no one believing in him collapsing down on him after the fragile supports he had set up crumbling.

There was nothing more in the world he wanted now than to get home and just collapse on his bed.

The boy suddenly realised how problematic his wish would be, as he found himself standing in the deserted version of the park he used to frequent with his 'friends' when he was younger.
"Friends huh?" The boy gave an ironic chuckle, his memory flitting back to what Katsuki Bakugou, arguably his oldest friend, had said to him earlier.

"Jumping off a roof? I wonder if that really would solve my problem?" He muttered bitterly, "it's weird my legs would bring me here of all places though." The boy could vividly remember all the abuse and bullying he had been put through at this very place, considering all of that, this place was like a monument of others voicing their displeasure with his dream.

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