Nothing Left To Lose One Shot Competition *WINNER*

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Copyright © 2011 preciious-diamondz

*At an old factory*

Anna touched her stomach, looking down at it. She knew what would happen once Carter found out she was pregnant with Ashton’s baby. She looked around the room, trying to work out if there was any way to somehow escape before her husband got back. All she could see was a small window on the opposite wall from where she sat. There was no way she could manage to get out – the window was high up and had no latch to open it. She thought of Ashton, one of the only good things that had happened since the night Jamie was killed. Carter had taken away her boyfriend, her virginity and her freedom. However, she could no longer say she had nothing left to lose. In fact, now, more than ever, she had more to lose than before – she had Ashton and the baby. She silently prayed Ashton would be alright.

She touched her stomach again, thinking of all the horrible things Carter would do once he found out. She knew if she upset him in any way he could most likely beat her – so she figured the best way to keep the baby alive was to pretend (as much as it broke her heart), that she loved Carter and was so glad he was out of jail. If she held back harsh words and cooperated, the easier it would be on her and the child she carried. The thought of willingly having sex with Carter repulsed her, but her determination to keep Ashton’s baby safe was far more important than anything else to her.

A tear rolled down her cheek, and she said quietly to herself, "Everything is going to be fine – I will get out of this. I just hope Ashton is safe."

She dozed off to sleep and dreamt of happier times with Ashton, clinging to the hope that somehow she could one day be free forever.

Anna woke up a few hours later to hear voices coming up the stairs. She could hear Mark laughing at something another man had said. She jumped at the realisation that the other man must be Carter.

“Jimmy, is my wife in this room?” asked Carter.

Jimmy called back, “Yup, there was a bit of a struggle to get her here but the main thing is that we got her here safely.”

“Good work, tell my men to have the cars ready. And Mark, you know what to do if any of those pathetic agents are around the premises,” smirked Carter.

Mark chuckled and walked off to make sure the cars were ready. Anna heard a key in the lock and saw the door knob was turning. The door opened to reveal the man of her nightmares. Carter had his eyes fixed on her and made his way over to her. Anna quickly got up and put on a fake smile. He embraced her in a huge hug and spun her round.

“Ah, Princess, you don’t know how much I’ve missed you. And look, you’ve grown more beautiful since the last time I saw you.”

Anna wanted to puke but instead gave him a kiss on the cheek and said, “I missed you more baby.”

She smiled sweetly at the monster before her. He grabbed her chin and started to kiss her, but suddenly pulled out of the kiss and looked her in the eyes.

“I’ve seen pictures of you with one of your bodyguards. You made it look pretty real that you loved him, but I know you’d never do that to me, right Princess?”

Anna’s heart sank. He’d seen the pictures, which meant he was most likely going to hunt Ashton down and then do who knows what to him before he killed him.

“No, of course not baby, I would never dream of doing that to you. My parents made me pretend, and they made him pretend too. He didn’t want to be near me because he knew I belonged to you. Please don’t be angry at him – if I had a choice I would not have even pretended to be interested in him,” said Anna, trying her best to sound convincing.

Nothing Left To Lose One Shot Competition *WINNER*Where stories live. Discover now