Stolen part 1

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"You gotta go faster." Mina called out to Yeri.

"I'm *pant* t-trying *pant*."

Yeri suddenly felt her body being lifted off the ground and into the air. Mina was soon up there with her using her telekinesis to allow them to float away from those chasing them.
Quickly turning a corner Mina didn't have time to stop herself in front of a big stone wall that has not been there before. She then collapsed , passing out and falling to the hard alleyway floor.

Yeri fell to the ground as her body paled into nothingness, her invisibility kicking in. As she tried to make a run for it. While she did feel bad for leaving Mina behind, she knew the girl could handle herself. she was suddenly hit with a white powder, giving away her hiding spot. She was then hit in the back of her head passing out just as Mina had done.

POV: ???
"Two down, seven more to go."

"Rośe, just let me handle it !" Momo called at the aquatic girl.
Rośe shouted back " Heck NO, last time you said 'you will handle it', YOU BURNT DOWN A WHOLE FREAKING BUILDING!!!"

" I WAS UPSET OKAY!!!" Momo shouted back.

Pulling a quick turn on the yellow light the people chasing them pulled a stop when cars came flying in all directions. Rose made a few more turns on the slim roads. On any other night the seen would be beautiful looking at all the calming street lights. But since they were being chased by some random people in a rich looking car, let's just say, it wasn't the finest stroll. Rośe parked the car in front of the lab and both girls jumped out and ran inside.
"PROFESSOR KIM!" Momo shouted
They heard strange muffled noises around the lab before the heard their professor, Kim jisoo call back to them.
Running in the direction of her voice, they yanked the door of her lab open only to be met with Erie chuckle.
"Never have I ever met anyone so gullible." A tall scary women said. They quickly turned their attention to professor Kim, seeing that she was struggling in the chair that she was tied up to.
"I must say that this was one of my more challenging copy's, seeing as this lady has a beautiful voice it was much harder to imitate."

"Jisoo" Rośe whispered under her breath slightly shaking. While she herself wanted to go ahead and hide in a corner, she knew she had bigger problems at hand. Especially considering that her sister is running straight for the scary woman with fire in her eyes and with it coming out of her hands.

A whip was suddenly suspended out of the tall woman's grasp, wrapping itself around Momo and shocking her until she passed out. Rose didn't last long either after a wooden bow was thrown on top of her.

      "We've caught the sisters sir." The women said into the phone
      "'Good." He said before hanging up.

       " five more."





To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2020 ⏰

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