Chapter One

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Before we start:

Sophia Grier- brown hair, blueish-green eyes


"Sophia, sweetie can you come here so we can talk to you?" my mom yelled

I walked downstairs and saw my mom and her boyfriend, Mike, sitting at the table. I sat down at the table with them.

"What's up?" I asked

"I know you never knew your dad because we split up right after you were born, but Mike needs to go to Europe for his job and I'm going with him, so you're going to live with your dad."

"W-What?! You're just going to go make me live with my dad that I don't even know!" I yelled

"Honey, it's for the best. You also should know that you have a brother that went with your dad when we split up."

"This is some sort of sick joke right? You pick your asshole of a boyfriend over your only daughter! Thanks a lot Mom!"

"Watch your language! Get packing you leave tomorrow"

I ran upstairs without saying another word. I now have to drop everything, pack and say goodbye to my friends and my boyfriend, Dylan. I texted a few of my friends and Dylan to meet me at the park tonight to say goodbye.

It took me all day but I packed up all my stuff and headed to the park. I walked over to my friend Sierra.

"I'm going to miss you so much" she cried

"I'm going to miss you too" I replied "I promise I will keep in touch."

I said my goodbyes to all the other girls and they left leaving me and Dylan alone. We sat down on the park bench and he grabbed my hands.

"I love you a lot, you know that right?" I said

"Of course, and I love you too."

He leaned in crashing his lips onto mine. After a minute I slowly pulled away

"I don't know how soon or if I'm ever moving back here. So it's not fair to have you sit around and wait for me to maybe come ba-" I said

"I get it. But that doesn't mean I'm going to stop loving you because I'll never stop loving you."

I smiled at him. We just sat there on the park bench watching the stars together. My last night in North Carolina. I'm going to miss this place.


"Sophia get up! Your flights in an hour!" my mom yelled

I got out of bed and put on a hoodie and sweatpants before walking downstairs with my bags. My mom drove me to the airport. She kept trying to talk to me but I wasn't saying much back. When we finally got to the airport I grabbed my bags out of the trunk. My mom hugged me but I didn't hug back.

"I know you're mad at me but this will be good for you! I love you" she said before letting go

I walked away without saying another word to her. It didn't take much time to get through security. I walked over to the gate and got on the plane right away.

I put my headphones on and fell asleep.


I woke up to someone shaking me.

"Miss we have landed." the flight attendant said

"Okay, thank you" I replied with a smile

I grabbed my backpack, got off the plane and went to get the rest of my bags. My mom showed me a picture of my dad so I could easily find him. When I saw him I walked over to him.

"Oh my god, Sophia, you got so big" he said

"Well I am 16 years old now." I replied

"Let's get home so you can meet your brother."

I got in the car and put my earphones in a didn't want to talk to my dad.

We got back to the house and my dad brought my bags inside.

"Can you show me my room Chad?" I asked

I barely know this guys, I'm not calling him dad, no way in hell. He carried my bags upstairs to my room. This house was big. My room was way bigger than my room in North Carolina (AN: She now lives in Virginia)

"Just unpack some and come downstairs when you're down" he said

I started unpacking my things. This place was going to take a while to get used too. I walked downstairs. I was actually excited to meet my brother. Chad got up and walked over to me.

"Nash come here." he yelled to the boy on the couch

"Nash this is Sophia, Sophia this is Nash" Chad said

Nash opened his arms for a hug and I gladly accepted.

"It's nice to finally meet you" Nash said

"I know" I replied with a smile

"Some of my friends are coming over to hang out, you can join us if you want." Nash said

"Uh yeah that sounds fun" I said with a smile

Nash and I sat on the couch talking and kind of just getting to know each other. He is really nice and funny. Our conversation got interrupted by the door bell. Nash walked back in the kitchen with a bunch of other guys.

"Soph, come here" Nash

Wow he already has a nickname for me.

Okay, so I have actually been working on this story  for like 2-3 weeks I have already writen a few chapters! I really hope you guys enjoy this story.



love, Sophia // m.e.Where stories live. Discover now