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Mitch's POV
I can't believe Jason drugged Emily, but I am also so mad at Emily, she went out and now she has gun shots in an insane asylum because of being drugged too much! Jason has made her go bonkers! I need Shane back, he always tortured her how I wanted him to! "Shane? Anyone?" I said on the phone, "yeah, what do you want?" He asked, "Kill Emily!" I said, "No, I love her man, I need to win her back, ya know, love is like a splinter!" And he hangs up, like always!
Emily's POV
I'm scared! I'm in an insane asylum with my arms stretching like rubber, my face and feet have a slight chill to! It's worst than Shane and Joey, it started when me and Lisa were friends (lisbug) in other words Shisa and Shoey. I hate them, even Lisa turned against me and team crafted, what does a girl have to do to win happiness?
~*~ Flash Back ~*~
"Emily, will you marry me?" "Sorry Shane, but the answer is no!"
~*~ Story Line ~*~
Emily's POV
That's it, Shane is the answer!! He is the one that admires me and loves me for who I am! I hope I still have a chance, I've just got to break free, how?
That's it! I'll run over to that table pick some scissors up with my teeth and throw them into my hands and cut the wire! Yes! I'm free, time to sneak past the guards...

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