Chapter 15

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Eren's POV

I woke up, something resting against the side of my head. I must've leaned over after I fell asleep, because my head was lying on Levi's shoulder, his head settled on top of mine. My eyes widened as my inner fanboy freaked out.

I just slept with Levi Ackerman. Wait- I didn't sleep with h- I slept next to him- I- Nevermind. The TV was still playing movies, since neither of us were still awake to turn it off. It must have been playing all night. In a matter of seconds, Levi was waking up, lifting his head off of mine. I felt his eyes on me, and I lifted my head up as well. "We must've fallen asleep," Levi commented in a drowsy tone.

He checked the watch on his left arm and his eyes widened. "Eren! You're gonna be late for work!" Levi gasped and pointed the face of his watch at me so that I could see it. "Oh, no, I don't have a shift today," I said. His worried expression contorted into a smile and he chuckled and laid his head on the back of the couch. "I forgoooot," He groaned.

We sat there in silence for a moment, until the faint growl of my stomach could be heard. "You hungry too?" I asked. "God, yes." Levi responded.

Levi's POV

Eren made us some breakfast and we were now getting ready to leave. We decided we'd just walk around and look for something to do.

Eren had gone to the bathroom after we both finished eating, and I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I took it out and saw that it was a text from Hanji.

Hanji: how's everything going?

Levi: why do you have to be so nosyyy

Hanji: fine i'll leave you alone

Hanji: but you're gonna have to give me every single detail when you get back tmrw

I responded with nothing but a rolling eyes emoji. It's weird how interested she is in Eren and I. About a minute and a half had passed, and Eren finally walked out of the bathroom. He grabbed his phone and keys off of the counter, and we left his house.

After a couple of minutes of us roaming with no destination, Eren spoke. "Y'know.. I've been thinking about something lately." I glanced at him. "'bout what?"

"I've just been thinking about us. Like.. how did we get here? I don't mean that in a bad way- of course- I-" He began to stutter. "No I get what you mean," I said. "Yeah, like what are the chances I got to meet you, the Levi Ackerman. And now we're friends, like whaaat." I scoffed. "Wow, I didn't know I was that popular," I said sarcastically. "Oh, shut up." Eren joked and lightly hit my shoulder.

We continued to aimlessly walked beside each other on the sidewalk, only a couple inches apart. "I've also been thinking.. the song you wrote for me. You really didn't have to do that. I mean I frickin' love that song, don't get me wrong, but why me?" Eren asked. "Well- It's not too often I come across such a laid-back and not insane fan like you. Not that I think of you as a fan, though- but everyone is usually like 'OH MY GOD IT'S LEVI!' and you were kinda just like 'Oh, hey Levi." Eren chuckled. "I just feel so normal with you. I don't know," I said.

We had walked for about a half an hour, and Eren came to a stop. I gave him a confused look, and he spoke. "When I was little, I lived in a different house near here. Whenever I got mad at my parents or something, I'd run off here." He gestured to a little nook hidden by bushes and surrounded by trees. We both walked towards the spot, and Eren bent down. "I still come here sometimes, just for the nostalgia," he said. "Anyway, this isn't where I wanted to go. I just thought about it," he added. I didn't know he had a place in mind.


"Erennn my legs huuurt," I jokingly complained. "We're almost there, Levi. Man up," he chuckled. We walked more and more until we finally reached Eren's desired destination. A humble beach with people scattered along its shore. Some relaxing, some jogging, some just hanging out. I turned to Eren and just as I did, I saw a slight reflection of the sun in his eyes. "It's beautiful, Eren," I said. He smiled, and grabbed my hand as he started to run towards the beach. I nearly fell on my face trying to keep up with him.

Not too far ahead of us, there were a set of wooden benches

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Not too far ahead of us, there were a set of wooden benches. He lead me to one of them, and we both plopped down in one.

Eren's POV

Levi and I sat in silence for a couple of minutes, just taking in the sound of the waves, the gentle wind, and the faint conversations of people on the beach. "My parents used to take me here when I was little. Every Saturday morning. I looked forward to it every week," I started to explain. Levi gazed at me, interested in what I was saying.

 "Sometimes my friends would come with me, but most of the time it was just my parents and I. I used to be so close to them, but I feel like I'm losing that connection," I said. "Do they know about... us?" Levi asked. Us? "Well, not really. I mean they wouldn't be upset about it. They both like your music too. They don't really know you much, but I'm sure they'll grow on you," I said.

We continued to sit there on that bench enjoying each other's company, when I decided to rest my head on Levi's shoulder. I could almost feel the flustered energy emitting from Levi when I did so. "Hey, um... Eren?" He asked. I hummed in response. "We've only known each other personally for like 2 months, but I've been thinking... do you maybe want to... date? I mean it seems like I'm moving too fast that's fine, I'm not trying to pressure you-" I lifted my head from his shoulder and looked him directly in the eyes.

"I'm not dreaming, am I? Levi of course I do!" I slightly chuckled in surprise.

Then I felt something soft press against my lips.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: sorry about the late update and short chapter, i've been pretty uninspired lately. also don't forget to private message or comment questions for my character q&a! <3

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