The Cliff

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" Your love really does run deep. Shame, if you had changed before we arrived here. Then maybe we could have allowed her to live. But you had not." Aro spoke to them.

" I am sorry young Jasper. I will not allow her death to be seen by you. Or the rest of your family." Aro told him. 

" I promise you her death will be peaceful and painless. You will find her at the cliff. I will give you that at least. After seeing just how much she loves you and the Cullens." Aro said flicking his wrists. Alec move his mist towards Ashley as she lay on the snow. Ashley watched the sky as grey clouds moved over the blue coloured sky. She could feel the black mist begin to cover her hands. Tears slipped from her eyes as she closed them.

" I love you. Jasper." Was the words the echoed from Ashley's mouth to every vampire's ears. Just before the mist took a hold of her. Her eyes changed to black and her tear came to a halt. Edward could no longer head her thoughts and Jasper no longer could feel her emotions. She lay there motionless on the floor. If it was not for her slow steady heart beat sounding in their ears. You would think she was dead. 

" I am sorry Carlisle but you understand don't you? " Aro said as Carlisle struggled to hold back Jasper with Emmet. Jasper so desperately wanted to get to Ashley and take her away from all of this. But he knew that he would not even make it there. Jane would make sure of that. All he can do is watch one again as his mate is ripped away from him. Demetri pick Ashley up and she lay limp in his arms. Her black eyes staring at nothing. Within a second Jane, Alec, Demetri and Felix all ran off with Ashley. They were so followed by the rest of the Volturi. Leaving the Cullen's standing on their own. Jasper just dropped to his knees. He just looked at the place were Ashley had lay not to long ago.

" If only we did not meet. If only I had stayed away. She would have had to go through this." Jasper whispered to himself. Carlisle looked to the rest of the heart broken family. 

" I will go with Edward and Emmet to the cliff." He said to them all, he then looked to Jasper and picked him up. 

" Jasper. Do you wish to come?" Carlisle asked him. He nodded to him and Carlisle smiled. 

" Everyone head back to the house." Carlisle told them all. Everyone nodded and went their seperate ways. Carlisle and the others made their way to the cliff top. The place where Bella and the wolves had dived off the cliff. The rushed past the trees and roads as they all made their way to the cliff. Jasper only with heart ache as he knew what he would find up on the dreaded cliff top.

" Something is happening at the cliff. I can hear the wolves chatting and the Volturi." Edward called out. They all made their way faster to the cliff. If there was but a chance they could take advantage and get Ashley out, they would. Once they arrived at the cliff they saw all of the wolf pack changed and growling at four Volturi members. Jane being on of them. They all knew that they could not take the wolves on and survive. 

" Where is she?" Carlisle called them them. Edward looked at Demetri. 

" The wolves interrupted them. They could not finish. She fell." Edward spoke as he read his mind.  Jane just smiled as they jumped off the cliff and disappeared. 

" Ashley fell from the cliff into the water." Seth called as he walked out from the forest. He looked at them with concerns. 

" Emmet." Edward called but it was too late Emmet had launched himself off the cliff, without a second thought. He sped through the air towards the forceful wave below. The cold water gave him no hindrance. He searched in the moving waters. 

" Well, we have no choice I guess." Carlisle said as he,  Edward and Jasper lunged forward and jumped from the cliff. They all landed with a splash. They all searched the water looking for Ashley. The green murky water made their vision clouded and hard to see. Jasper moved his way through the water searching and hoping.

There he saw it. In the middle of the green water, Ashley. She was floating softly, her hair gently surrounded her head and get white dress floating around her body. Her eyes were closed and skin pale. Jasper could see a small cloud of red floating around her lower right neck, just were her shoulder connects. Jasper swam over and took her into his arms. He made his way to the shore. Quickly followed by the others. Jasper got to the point where could stand with his head out of the water.  It was then he ran to the shore. Followed by Carlisle, Emmet and Edward. Jasper placed her to the pebble ground and knelt next to Ashley. Carlisle rushed over to the and looked at the fresh bite mark at the base of her neck. It was oozing put blood filling their noses with a delicious smell. Carlisle listen for a heart beat but could hear none. 

"She has no heart beat. " he said as he began to perform compressions on her. Jasper held her hand as he pleaded for her to be alive. He watched Carlisle as he tried to get her heart to beat once more. 

" Carlisle." Jasper spoke to him as Carlisle stopped compressions. They listen, but their was nothing. 

" Nothing." He whispered as he looked to Jasper. Jasper looked at him and then to Ashley. 

" No no no no. She cant be." Jasper spoke as he pulled her cold limp body into his cold arms. He hugged her tightly against him. He did not want to to be gone. He wanted her too wrapped her arms around him and say it will all be okay. Emmet, Edward and Carlisle could do nothing but watch as Jasper went through his heart aches again. 

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