The West *1

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'Next thing you know 
there will be some kind of damn blight 
and undead will walk the land!'

'Go... to the... Void!' Gareth shouted, thrusting the blade into chaurus' torso. The large insect uttered angry yelp and fell down to the ground.

'Well done! Chitin of this beast is worth a fortune,' I said, turning the dead creature. With a dagger I cut out the bulk from the hard shell.

'Let's take it to Endon,' my companion agreed.

Together we grabbed the heavy shell and returned to the city.

'Good Divines!' A black-skinned merchant cried, seeing our prey. 'Where have you found it?'

'Well... You can assume that this chaurus didn't want to give it to us for free,' I grinned.

'However, we managed to convince him,' Gareth added, touching blade of his sword.

'Oh my...! This is unbelievable that two kids have butchered an adult chaurus without a single scratch!'

'They are no longer kids, Endon.' Dark-haired Kerah came into the room. Little Adara was walking behind her. 'I'm glad you are here. Especially you, Gareth. I have something for your mother.' She put a silver necklace in his hands. 'It's as new.'

'I...' He cleared his throat. 'How much do I owe you, lady?'

'Nothing, dear boy. It's a pleasure to help Vigdis.'

'Oh... It's very kind of you. We are grateful,' Gareth bowed his head, blushing.

'Furthermore, I think it's my husband who should pay you. Am I right, Endon?'

'Of course, of course!' The merchant exclaimed. 'Please, put it down there, next to the chest, and I'll bring the pouch!'

When we went out on the marketplace, we were richer by fifty gold coins.

'So, what are we going to do with it, Svala?' Gareth asked.

'We don't have any more debts. We can add it to our savings.'

'Certainly. I think I should go home, give it to mother.' He raised his hand with a necklace. 'Will you accompany me?'

'As you wish,' I smiled.

Gareth smiled too, and then, holding hands, we headed to Salvius' farm. When we got to the mill, we heard voices.

'But Leontius...'

'Stop nagging, woman. Leontius has been gone for a long time and nothing indicates that he leads a poor life. If you wish – go to him, the coast is clear! I am not going to go anywhere.'

After a moment Gareth's father emerged from behind the building.

'That bloody sot doesn't devote a moment at the thought of help on the farm and this woman keeps wailing...' The old man seemed he didn't see us.

'Father,' my friend said loudly.

'Gareth! How much can you...' He shouted and then he noticed me.

'Good afternoon, Mr Salvius,' I bowed my head slightly.

'And young lady Svalaug... Yes, yes, make yourselves comfortable, I can handle it, dammit! I've lived through rebellion, Forsworn, undead, witches, wizards, hagravens, and even the damn marriage, of course that I can handle!' And he walked away, muttering angrily under his breath.

Although Rogatus Salvius was embittered and always annoyed, his wife had an uncanny ability to spread a calm and friendly aura around herself.

'Gareth, you're back,' she said, smiling from ear to ear. 'And your friend... It's nice to see you, dear Svala.' Her wrinkled face lit up.

'You too,' I shook her palm.

'But certainly you didn't come here to chat with an old woman. Oh, please, take care of yourselves, my children.'

'Actually, I have something for you, mother.' Gareth showed her a necklace.

'My necklace! Oh, how it shines... No doubts that Kerah can take care of jewellery. How much she demanded?'

'Nothing, mom. She said it was pleasure.'

'That's very nice of her. Well, thank you, my son,' madame Vigdis said and she intended to go but Gareth stopped her.

'We have heard your quarrel with father.'

'Oh, this old grouch... Is it really any wonder that mother wants to meet with her son? He is so busy, I haven't seen him for years...'

The Salvius' elder son, Leontius, had moved out twenty years ago. He had left the farm to live in the Old Hroldan, the inn near Rorikstead. Rogatus was not happy with that fact, so he fathered the second son and disowned Leontius.

'If you wish, we can go visit him. I'd love to see Leontius.'

'But gold...'

'Svala, maybe could I...?' Gareth started.

'Of course you could,' I said with a laugh. 'This chaurus was worth it.'

'Cha... chaurus?' Vigdis stumbled. 'What kind of chaurus are you talking about? Have you... Oh, Divines...'

'It's nothing, mom,' Gareth reassured her. 'Don't worry about gold. We can go even tomorrow, just say the word.'

'Really? Oh, Gareth, you don't know how much it means to me!' The old woman pressed him to breast; lad's face turned red. 'I hope that your fiancée will accompany us?'

'F-fiancée, mother?' he stammered as his face got even redder.

'Oh, don't pretend, boy. Maybe I am old but I still have good eyesight. What do you say, Svala?'

'If Gareth has nothing against...' I began hesitantly, feeling my cheeks are burning.

'Oh, youth. Love is beautiful, do not be ashamed! I know what you are doing when you think no one sees you. I wonder if these huntings aren't just an excuse...'

'Mother!' Gareth shouted.

'Oh, I am just joking. But a view of your red faces is priceless,' Vigdis laughed. 'I'm glad that at least one of my sons is happy. If you go with us, you'll please an old woman, dear.'

'In that case, how can I refuse,' I said.

'I'm glad that you will be with us,' Gareth told when we left the house together. 'Mother really likes you. Besides... I will be calmer too.'

'It's nice of you to say.' I left my head shyly. When we got to the mill I grabbed his hands. 'Gareth... You know that you are important to me.'

'And you are important for me.'

We hugged tightly. Then he looked at me with his norse sapphirine eyes.

'Gareth!' His father's voice rang out. We jumped away from each other. 'Come on, help me with this mess!'

'I'm coming, father!' young man exclaimed, shaking his head. 'Will you forgive me if I won't walk you home, my lady?'

'Duty calls,' I laughed.

Gareth kissed me lightly on my cheek, then he walked away. I went back to the road, leading to the city of Markarth.

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