Chapter 6

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It was home time and Mina was waiting in the parking lot for her mom to pick her up but her mom was late, so she was waiting for a further 30 minutes until her mom pulled into the parking lot.

When she arrived home she ran to her bedroom and changed into some sweats and pulled out her collection of nintendos and debated in her head on which on to play deciding on her switch she turned it on and began playing her game.


Sana had gotten a ride home with Momo, they decided to go to Sana's house to work on a project.

As soon as the girls had entered the house they headed up to Sana's room, while walking up the stairs, Sana's Momo shouted "Door open" meaning they had to keep the door open or else Momo would have to leave but they were used to it and normally would go to Momo's when they wanted privacy as her parents are never home.

The girls were working on the project when Sana's phone rang "hello who is this" she asked into the phone "Its Mina is Momo there" Mina said on the other line "Yes she is why?" Sana asked "I really need to speak to her" Mina said while hyperventilating "hey calm down Mina" Sana said while handing the phone to Momo, Momo placed the phone to her ear and could hear unsteady breathing and instantly knew she was crying "Calm down Minari" but Mina kept crying so Momo asked "whats your address" she asked her "Why?" Mina asked "Just tell me" Momo said, after Mina gave Momo her address she told Sana that they were going to Mina's.

They knocked on Mina's door and waited for an answer, the door opened Mina's mom opened the door and said "hello do you need something" in broken Korean "We're here to see Mina" Momo said in Japanese "her room is the second door on the right" Mina's mom replied to Momo on Japanese.

Sana knocked on Mina's door and asked if her and Momo could come in Mina spoke in broken sobs "Y-Yes" thy opened the door and found Mina crying  "Momo he's here" Mina said to Momo "who's here" Momo asked "Yuta my ex" he came yesterday" she added, Momo was still a little confused and then said "Your boyfriend, what's wrong with that" Mina looked at Momo and said "He cheated remeber".

*time skip*

"Thanks for helping" Mina said "Its okay your our friend" Sana said "Sana I'm really sorry for lunch" Mina said for over the hundredth time "Look I understand now and I shouldn't have gotten angry" Sana said.

A/N: there's only two chapters left of this story.

Please suggest some story ideas.

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