Chapter 6: Journey Across America

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"I can't believe he'll do something like this. Why do he want me so bad? I'm a normal person. What the hell is so special about me?" I asked myself quietly.

"Everything." Dean said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Awwwww's not the time to be sweet. But thank you babe, I love you." I said as I hugged.

"Excuse me, Miss." An officer said as he tapped me on my shoulder.

"Yes?" I responded.

"We found a letter with you're names in them." He saidas he pointed at me and Dean.

"Tracey! Jonathan! Are you guys okay?" Someone asked. I turned around and saw Stephanie. "We came as soon as we heard the news." She said pointing at Hunter who was struggling with his seatbelt.

"Excuse me, are you Tracey Reeves?" An officer asked me.


"We need your help finding Carter." He said using Donny's last name.

"Oh sir, I can't. I have a mega-huge event to attend to and I have no idea where he can be." I said.

"Here's a note." He said as he gave me the note.

Hey there babe! I know you're looking for me. You will NEVER find me but I'll tell you what. I'm going to give you clues. Here's your first one: On your Journey Across America, you'll find me in a city called Tulsa In a state that begins with the letter O. Good luck.

P.s. Bring your boy toy too.

I put the note down and began to speak.

"Sir I can't. I have-

"Go." Stephanie said. "We'll still pay you. But the Divas title match is going to have to be a battle royal."

I was disappointed. I really wanted to go to Wrestlemania. That even is the HUGEST event ever and its my FIRST one! When I get my hands on Donny he will be sorry he ever lived.

"Alright.." I said.

"I'm coming with you." Dean said.

" guys have a safe trip. Be careful." Stephine said as she headed back to the car.

"Well...I guess we should be on our way too." Dean said.

"Let's do this." I said holding his hand and going to the car.

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