Last Qoute

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Final qoute of the day:

Life is a one big road. It has it's twists and turns. It has it's ups and downs. It has it's bad and good moments. It has it's sad and happy memories. We all are travelling this road. We all are on the same road but with different speeds. Some of us reach the finish line early, some are left behind us. Some have begin their journey, some are preparing to start this journey but all have to reach the same ending point.

We see and learn from this journey and that is why it is known as 'A Journey Called Life'


Andddd.....that's it. Sorry, l'm out of quotes for now but when l get some, l'll think about starting a 2 book of quotes. There, there don't get sad. I'm still here and so is this book. Just remember that whenever you will sad or depressed you can read it. I'm really glad l made something to give people hope.

Actually l never thought l would get this much support from ya peeps but l love you. No seriously, each and everyone of you is dearest to me. So just keep smiling and keep hoping, you'll get through it all and He won't disappoint you. Trust me :)

So, till next book adias. Take care, good luck and have a great life because this is a beautiful journey that belongs to you and only you :)

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