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The summer air

Was heavy with the scent of lemonade stands

and grass clippings.

Thwerp-thwerp-thwerp went the sprinklers,

With the whirrs of bike spokes

And the wind in the poplars.

We make our way down Aberdeen,

As I wake from a dream,

In the old Ford tempo.

The dash sticky in the heat,

Old bubblegum and hard, salty French fries

Under the seat.

The window open now,

Hand out tracing the rolling hills

Going by...going by...

Like a plane.

And then we stop,

In the plaza by the water tower,

Where the bakery is.

Old man Gus mumbles something

I don't remember, and not important,

As I make my way to the window

To play sit down Pac Man.

Not looking up,

I know you went straight

For the pack of salt roasted almonds

As Gus put the rye

In the crinkly paper bag.

And now I smell the almonds

On your breath

And know it's time to go,

though never want to leave.

I wait for you, Grandma,

with all the strength of love,

To take my little hand in yours.

You do.

And we're up, and on our way



We went home many times after,

As many as the wrinkles

On your brow.


I wish I left better breadcrumbs to you Grandma,

But one never knows when leaving them.

As the day my hand left yours

was one of many

on the way

to losing



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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2019 ⏰

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