Chapter 26

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I'm sorry for not updating but i couldn't come up with anything. but chapter 26 is finally here
Chapter 26
Previously: Selena and Gabe performed their song and everyone by the vargas got a boyfriend/girlfriend except Jaïr.
P:so as you all know the big show is coming

*everyone cheers*

C:and ofcourse i'm the big star of the show

S:in your dreams

P:no i'm going to choose who plays what part

C: and i get the mainroll right

P: and we are going to use songs that you are going to write i will tell tommorow who gets which role. so class dismissed


J: selena!!!

S: what!?!?!!!?!?!?!?

J: i need your help

S: with???

J: just come

S*goes to jaïr's room* whats wrong

J: with shirt makes me look hot

S: the black one. But why are you asking

J: because i have a date

S: you.... what

J: yeah it's true i have a date

S: really with who

J: not going to tell you

S: just tell

J: nope, anyway i need to go * walks downstairs*

S:* walks after him* c'mon just tell

V: where are you going???

J: nowhere

S: he's going on a date

J: thanks selena

S: thats for not telling me who it is

M: why are you so dressed up?

J: a date

M: really

J: yeah i have to go now *walks out*

M: do you know who it is????

S: no he wouldn't tell

L:* walks in with flowers*

M: why do you have flowers

L: they where delivered. * reads the card* they are for selena

S: me????

L: yeah * gives her the flowers*

M: so from who is it

S: who do you think

M: gabe???

S:no reallyyy?

V: thats so sweet


I have trued to write a good chapter so what do you think??

Violetta: The Next Generation (sequel to I'll stand by you) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now