Chapter 1

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Most people can separate music, color, and scent. They have nice little boxes in their brain that can keep everything from spilling over. They can hear an amazing song and see their best friend and not cross the two.

But I can't. Music runs wild in my brain. It all swirls together in a giant whirlpool of sensory. From the roaring, rocking, and rebellious crescendos of the Liberty. The soft, soothing, yet upbeat melodies of the park. The world has a song.

And one day? I find that song and sing it to the world. I'll show everyone and tour the earth spreadin—

"Luka! Can you dye the back of my hair?!"

"Yeah! give me a sec!"

I jumped off of my bed and stretched. My mom says I should stop internal monologuing and take more action in the world. She's probably right I thought as I made my way over to the door.

I swear I could hear the chaos before I could see it. The sink was covered in purple dye and bleach. Her purple dye mix was almost falling off of the counter. There was bits of tin foil scattered around.

"Wow it's less of a mess than normal. You're really getting better at this," I said with a smirk. "Usually the entire bathroom is trashed. Now it's only the counter."

"Just dye the back of my hair, music junky," she huffed.

"You got it grape head-oof," I was rudely interrupted by an elbow to the stomach. "An attack? On your own brother?" I gave her my trademark puppy eyes. "Treason."

"The Liberty is a free ship you blue headed twat."

"That makes no sense." I said under my breath. I grabbed the hair dye and began to work the dye into her hair. This new dye's song was more like a punk up beat song. Last dye session the purple was like a slow song.

———————————time skip

"And done," I said closing the last bit of hair under tin foil.

"Uggggh. As much as I love having purple hair dying it sucks," Juleka groaned. "If my hair was just permanently was always purple that would be fantastic."

"Well at least we got it out of the way before school started. Are you ready to go back?" I said as we began to try and clean up the chaos that was the Couffaine sibling bathroom. Or at least make it organized chaos.

"Absolutely not," she sighed. "I'm glad you can suffer too," She grimaced. "The bad part is I now have to deal with her." Her song shifted into an angry drumbeat.

"Woah, woah, woah," I said putting up my hands in a 'yo chill the flip flop out' gesture. "Who is this her?"

Juleka paled a bit an then spoke. "I gotta work on a project." She walk out of the bathroom despite my protest.

"Shit," I looked in the mirror. "This is what you get Luka," I told my reflection. My reflection didn't say anything. I walked out of the bathroom. Trying to shove down my thoughts. Trying to make it through today.

What's up author here. These first few chapters are probably going to be a bit short and spaced out but I'm so happy to be writing.

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