Legacy Chapter One

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Unmatchable. It had been 8 hours since that big ugly word had flashed upon the screens. Sophie, still in shock, lay in bed wondering what to do. When she had left the room, Grady and Edaline had bombarded her with questions, but she had just told them the word she had saw. Now she was still awake at 11 pm, considering her options.

     What should I do? Call Fitz and Keefe and tell them the bad news? Call Biana and talk to her?

Sophie rolled onto her side to face the open window and she let out a sigh as she stared at the sky covered with stars. After a moment, she sat up and opened the window as quietly as she could. Sophie kicked off the sheets and climbed onto the ledge. She swung her self over and levitated herself down. The moment she felt the soft grass tickle her heels, she started to relax. Sophie just needed to be away from people and enjoy fresh air. Sophie's bare feet made soft thuds as she padded along the path to Calla's tree. Sophie sat down among the delicate petals scattered on the ground and hugged her feet

     "Oh Calla, if you were here you would know what to say. But your not... because of the Neverseen and their stupid game they are playing! Why can't they just die already?! Then I could choose between Fitz and Keefe and finally live a life like the rest of the normal elven population," Sophie said as she layed down. She stared at the brightly lit sky and kept thinking. Eventually, sleep got the better of her and Sophie fell into a dreamless slumber.

     Sophie stirred from her rest, her eyes halfway open as she felt a warm hand on her shoulder. Sophie leaned into the person's touch and let herself be picked up and carried into a building where she heard someone whisper.

     "Shh. I found Sophie outside. Can I put her in her room?" the familiar voice asked. A affirmative grunt came and Sophie soon felt her cozy bed beneath her. Another weight pushed down on the mattress next to her, but Sophie didn't mind because she was to tired to care. Soon, she fell asleep again with the gentle hand around her waist comforting her.


     A bright light suddenly woke Sophie up and she rolled onto her stomach to avoid it. She groaned and a voice responded.

     "Sophie, wake up, it's noon!" a cheerful voice said. Sophie bolted up and out of her bed. She looked around to see Fitz in her room. He looked happy and like he had just woken up. 

     "Uh what?! What are you doing here? And why do look like you just woke up?!" Sophie replied quickly.

     "I was going for a walk last night and I wanted to see if you were still up, so I came here and found you asleep next to Calla's tree. Sandor let me into your room to put you back and I um-accidentally fell asleep here," he said, his cheeks turning red. Sophie gasped.

     "You've got to get out of here! Grady would kill me if he found out you were here over night!" Sophie said rushing around the room.

     "Oh yes he would, but I'm not because this a great timing Fitz! Sophie needs to tell you some important stuff that happened yesterday!" Grady said as he opened the door and walked in smirking. Sophie's eyes went wide and Fitz looked embarrassed.

     "Oh um Dad! Hi! This is awkward. It is for a good reason. And I was going to wait to tell Fitz about that later, so thanks so much..." Sophie said sarcastically. Fitz raised an eyebrow.

     "What were you going to tell me later? I'm not leaving till you tell me," Fitz said while sitting down.

     "And neither am I Sophie!" Keefe said walking in. Sophie groaned and put her hands in her face.

     "This is great. SO great. Keefe, why are you even here?" Sophie asked. Keefe smirked and tossed his hair.

     "Because I was checking up on you! And Edaline let me after I gave her some of my mallowmelt I had. But tell me this secret you were going to tell Fitzy poo." Keefe said showing a plate of the goey treat. Sophie laughed.

     "You cook? Another new discovery. But I can't avoid this question can I?" Sophie said when all the boys gave her a look.

    "All right! I'll speak. So, yesterday I went to the Matchmakers," Sophie admitted while twisting her hands. Fitz and Keefe both looked taken back and opened their mouths but Sophie put her hands up.

     "Wait! I'm not done! It said I was unmatchable, but I've decided that's not a problem because I would like to convince the Council to get rid of that and I'm going to wait to figure out who I'd like to be with after we've finished the getting rid of the Neverseen," Sophie said boldly. Grady gave her a slight applause and the boys just sat there shocked.

     "Well?" Sophie asked tentatively. Keefe shook his head and smiled.

     "I understand Sophie. You need time to think and this isn't your priority right now. But I do know that you will end up making the right choice. By choosing me," Keefe said with a smirk. "see ya later Foster!" With that, Keefe left the room. Fitz looked angry.

     "I thought you wanted to be with me?" Fitz asked, his facing showing signs of hurt. Sophie sighed.

     "I know, but Keefe has somehow struck a little piece of my heart with his arrow and I don't know how to feel. I want to give both of you a chance and to do that I need time to figure out my life," Sophie replied.

     "I understand. I'll wait for you as long as it takes, no matter what!" Fitz gave Sophie a quick kiss on her cheek and then left. Sophie sank into her fluffy blankets on her bed next to Grady who had watched the proceedings with a smile.

     "That was a tough choice Sophie. I'm glad you chose your path. What are you going to do now though?" Grady asked curiously. Sophie smiled.

     "Well, I'm contemplating making another poor life decision by going down to the Councilor's castles and talking to them or do nothing about the matchmaking system. But I think know what I'm doing," Sophie said smiling. Grady grinned and put his arm around Sophie.

     "What ever you choose to do, do it correctly and make sure you won't regret it," Grady advised. Sophie smiled.

     "What ever I do will most likely cause pandemonium throughout the elf world. So, don't count on it," Sophie said as she hopped away.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2019 ⏰

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