Chapter Three

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I try to sleep, steadying my breathing and forcing myself to lie still. After I asked Elijah if Josh was my dad, he disappeared. I didn't bother to follow him; his departure gave me all the confirmation I need. Josh Wesner is my father. It repeats in my mind, stuck on a loop. Josh Wesner is my father. Selena came out of the bathroom after a twenty minute long shower, smirked at me, and went to sleep. Elijah still isn't back. Josh Wesner is my father. The digital clock above the entrance reads 1:23. Seven and a half hours until training starts and I have to see Zachariah. Eighteen and a half hours until I have to face Noah. I'm never falling asleep. The door opens and Elijah walks in. I roll on my side and pretend to be asleep. Josh Wesner is my father.

"Ci-" Elijah lets my name trail off, realizing he has nothing to say. Nothing he can say. Josh Wesner is my father. Or maybe he just realized that I'm 'asleep'. He flops down into the bunk in between Selena and me. "I'm sorry," he whispers. I don't reply. Josh Wesner is my father. Tears slide from my eyes onto my pillow. I wipe them away, sniffle, and try to fall asleep.

It's a long and awful night. I slip in and out of sleep. When the morning bell rings, I'm jolted from my sleep feeling more tired than I was last night. I get up and reach the bathroom door at the same time as Selena. We glare at each other for several seconds, until Elijah clears his throat.

"Guys? There's more than one shower and sink in there," Elijah reminds us. Selena steps back and I open the door, walking inside. I claim the middle shower, setting my stuff on the first sink counter. I hang my towel on the door to my shower and step inside. The coed bathrooms took some getting used to, but Selena is harder to share the bathroom with than Elijah. I take a quick shower and am out before the others are done. I grab my change of clothes, a tank top and tights, and go into one of the secluded changing rooms. I get dressed and then brush my teeth. I'm out of the bathrooms before the others have finished showering.

I hurry out to the cafeteria, grabbing a tray. This morning it's eggs and toast with a fresh glass of orange juice. There's only a few dozen people in the cafeteria, and, as per usual, no one waves me over. Not per usual, there's an open table. I sit at it, knowing full well that I won't be able to stay as soon as more people come in. I take a bite of my scrambled eggs.

"Mind if I sit?" Someone from behind me asks. I turn around in surprise. It's Elijah. "I know we need to talk."

"No, we don't. But you can sit, I can't make you not," I mutter, turning back to my breakfast.

"I'm sorry I ran out on you last night. I panicked," he admits, sitting down. "She wasn't supposed to tell you. Josh is pissed." I tighten my grip on my fork, my knuckles turning white. I make a fist with my other hand, pushing down on the table. "I'm an ass. Josh is an ass. You just found out that your dad is Josh Wesner, you must be going crazy. Do you want to talk?" My nails cut into my palm and the fork digs into my skin. He notices. "You don't want to talk. You want to punch something."

"Good thing we've got ten hours of training," I say.

"No. Zach's gonna have us practice our powers today, not hand to hand," he says.

"Great," I sigh.

"C'mon. We have half an hour before training. Let's go hit stuff." Elijah stands up with his tray. I grin at him and we toss the trays, food and all. I'm not hungry, I'm angry. We walk out as Selena walks in, passing her without a word. We head down the hallway to the training room. Elijah opens the door for my and I roll my eyes.

"What a gentleman," I mutter, pushing past him. "What are we doing in here anyway? I don't want to just hit a punching bag, Elijah."

"So hit me," he offers.

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