𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝒋𝒖𝒏𝒆,

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ixoneit ]

dear june***,

how can i ever express how much i enjoy being with you? even though we have completely different personalities, you are a complete joy. a complete - fricking - joy. we have so much in common as well, what with both of us liking brooklyn nine-nine and being avid readers.

i enjoy the times we've spent together, not just because of our commonalities. also we are *not* twins. (people, not everyone with short black hair and glasses are twins ok? stop judging.)

where to begin? i kinda wanted to talk to you since the start of the year. i didn't really pay much attention to you last year cuz we weren't close and we sat at different parts of the class, but since we did that weird class olympics thingy and i was in your team i started realising how nice you were. i was just socially awkward around people i didn't really know well because i wasn't really one to make good first impressions.

we started spending more time together once the nine of us got together ( howthestarsshine, you, me, kiwi, tall giraffe, lovely horse, sexy swimmer, alibaba chickenman, and j'ssa ) and because you were always spending time with bri and me, i got to know you better. then i got into my b99 phase and found out you liked it too. needless to say, i was elated. *mental yay.*

out of the other eight kids, i feel like you really understand me. (other than kiwi of course). we, like, share the same mind or something, because we are both weird, funny, lame, and like to laugh at random things. (only exception is the fact that you scream when scenes are cute, like the jin-yee thing, which i decline to explain to my other followers.)

ok, this letter is getting long, but i really just wanna thank you for being a part of my life. im really grateful to have met you and youre truly a blessing. even though the chances of us meeting in the future are small (teachers' day?), i really hope we can stay in touch even if we don't cross paths.

you are so so sooooo amazing. stay cool, be amazing, and never be afraid to just let yourself go, especially if the pressure on you becomes high. i'm not the best counsellor but i hope that if anything, you will reach out to me and i'm always open to talk.

thanks again, for being such a big part of my year. i'll never forget you.

yours sincerely,
your friend

𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒐, 𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔.Where stories live. Discover now