08 - The past that comes back to bite you

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Yikes, it's been a while. 

Nearly Halloween! After that it's my birthday but, like, fuck my birthday. 


Cowering in a corner up against my bed tears rose up in my eyes. Waking up I had seen my dad come into my room, glaring cruelly. It was almost insane how misleading he could be. In the public eye, my dad was a lawfully heroic Sheriff, making sure everyone in Beacon Hills were safe and alive. At home, he was somebody else. He was unkind, abusive, a monster.

Beacon Hills may have the supernatural but the worst creature I had seen was the man who pretended to care about me.

He had beaten me so much I'd never look in the mirror and feel happy about my body again.

Sobs built up in my throat as his scent of alcohol filled my nostrils, earning a feared feeling inside me. A panic attack almost, only it was constant.


I woke up, not being able to move. I struggled, feeling someone holding me. I freed myself, catching my breath as I crumpled to the floor.

I frown, looking around and taking in my surroundings. Muffled voices drowned out in my ears. I was in my apartment, away from him. I took deep breaths, calming my body from its shaking and erratic breathing.

"Gemini, hey?" Someone crouched in front of me on the floor. "It's me, Clint." I blinked several times, focusing on him. His voice and words came out at different times. "Slow you're breathing. You're okay, you're safe."

I nodded, gulping before speaking. "Di-did I wake you?" I noticed the dullness of the room despite the open window. It must've been only 5 or 6 am.

"It's alright buddy." He helped me up from the floor. "C'mon, I'll make you some hot chocolate, sound good?"



While two months had passed since my date with Noah, not much had changed. I still found a way to not visit the Avenger's Tower, I still hadn't told anyone about my powers, and I've still not told anyone about my dad.

Noah and I are unofficially dating. I discovered he worked at SHIELD, his mom in California and him at New York. We'd been on a few dates, watched movies at my place often.

It was early from my sudden wake. I went to SHIELD to get in some training, releasing some energy and letting off some steam. I got a text from Noah.

'You awake?' he asked.

'Yeah, why?' I reply.

'Got the morning off, want to get some breakfast?' He sent a location to which I followed. It was a brunch restaurant; one I had not been to before. I was wearing my uniform, which is basically black cargo trousers, boots and a zipped up black jacket.

I walk in and see Noah. "Hey," I say, making him jump slightly.

"Hey – why do you look like hell?" Noah blurted out. I sat down wordlessly. "What's up?"

Hypervigilance (Teen Wolf & Avengers)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ