Chapter 14 - Should I Accept?

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thanks for waiting guys :) and some people think I should add a romance twist, what do u think?


Jordan's P.O.V  

(I know that some people would be wondering how he feels about what is happening)

God Heather needs to accept my offer! God I hope she does! The pack will be destroyed if I stay in power for any longer1 Although I don't know what the rouges want from us were going to try and protect it anyhow!

I didn't even realise that I had walked up to my study, I guess I just did it by instinct......Well, hopefully, it won't be my study for much longer.

I don't know how Heather has an alpha tone but I'm sure as hell glad that she does. It makes my life so much easier in passing down my alpha position. 

I just hope she won't stuff up like I did! With that thought in mind, I went to sleep.

Heather's P.O.V

Here I am, my bottom jaw on the floor and my eyes wide open in shock. Still standing in the same place Jordan left me in.

'God I'm going to have to accept aren't I?" I asked Danica in a whiny tone.

"Probably," Danica answered, I just sighed in annoyance.

"Whatever, I mumbled, as I started to ascend the stairs and go off to bed.

Gaby's P.O.V

I watched Jordan and Heather talking, and to say I was shocked would be an understatement! I was absolutely flabbergasted!

Kelsey and James had been watching as well and by the way they had their mouth's open like a fish I would say they were surprised as well.

"I think we should go to ummm, bed now," Kelsey said, this is a shocker.

Instead of answering, James and I nodded our agreement and went up stairs to bed.


"AHHHHHHHHHHH" I screamed as I watched my father being killed by the black wolf.

This black wolf seemed different some how, it had a white mussel but predominately black and its eyes were outlined in black but otherwise a nice violet colour. Its scary, I've never seen a wolf like it before.

I started screaming again as it made its way towards me, it looked curious as to why I was screaming so I quickly shut up. I think it was having a inner battle with its wolf by the look on its face.

I'm only calling it an it because you can't tell if there a girl or a boy when their in wolf form.......Well, only Alpha's can, but that's different.

"S-Stay away f-from me," I stuttered, GOD, I'm never this weak!

That's when the black wolf shifted in to a beautiful girl. She had blond hair with a fringe hanging over the top of her red eyes. Her eyes stilled seemed to be outlined in black though, like she was under a spell of some sort.

"Hello, " she said in a soft voice.

"Hi," I replied.

*Dream Over*

I awoke in sweat covered blankets and my heart racing a mile a minute. I hate that day and I actually do remember seeing that black wolf! It was the only one that fled the scene after my father died! Smart move!

Anyway, I guess I should go and get everyone out of bed, its Jordan and I's turn to patrol the boarder and I want to ask him some things as well........

Heather's P.O.V

I awoke from my restless sleep with someone poking on my shoulder. I grunted and rolled to my side trying to ignore the person poking me.

I heard a girl sigh then I had the wind taken out of me! The girl is jumping on me! LITERALLY!

"GET OFF ME!" I screamed at my tormentor, keeping my eyes closed in the process.

That's when I heard thunderous footsteps racing their ways to my room, I guess they heard my screaming cause my tormentor was ripped off me in seconds.

"WHAT THE HELL?" I heard my tormentor, Gaby scream.

"That's NOT how you wake people up in the morning," I heard James say in an amused voice.

"I second that," Jordan said, I could tell by his tone he was trying hard not to laugh, "No-one should have to wake up hearing a girl screaming, especially Heather."

That's when I decided to open my eyes and shoot dagger's at Jordan and Gaby. James was holding Gaby and Kelsey was glaring at the whole scene before her. Jordan on the other hand, was leaning on the wall for support, his hands on his sides and his face going red from trying not to laugh so much.

"Gaby," I said in a sickly sweet tone making every ones faces go from amused to nervous, "Why would you wake someone up like that?"

"I was thinking of the quickest way to wake everyone up and your screams seem to always work," Gaby answered in a smug tone, "Kelsey, do you remember the bucket prank we pulled on her?"

"Yes," Kelsey said, going in to a fit of laughter afterwards at the memory of me drenched in cold water.

I growled a low growl at everyone and they all fled from my room......accept for Jordan. What does he want now?

Jordan's P.O.V

Now that she's alone I can ask for her decision.

"Have you decided yet?" I asked, scratching the back of my neck nervously.

"Yes," I looked over at her hopefully, "I'll become Alpha if you want me to, and my wolf also wants me to take up this offer. She has been quite annoying lately."

I raced over to Heather's bedside and engulfed her in a tight hug, "Thank you," I murmured softly in her ear. In return she patted my back awkwardly and dropped her arms to her lap.

"Your welcome?" Heather said more like a question then a statement.

"You won't regret this," I said before I walked out of her room and left her to her thoughts.

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