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"Please, let me go!" I gripped the cell bars in front of me, "You have the wrong person!"

The guard on the opposite side of my jail cell was silent, but the man standing beside him in his pristine white suit and fedora gave a small smirk and commanded in a dark voice, "Then go up to that piano and play us a song." He pointed towards a grand piano sitting in the back of my room. It stood tall and graceful, sticking out like a sore thumb in my cold, dark chambers.

"B-But-" I tried to argue.

"Just do it," He growled. His dark brown hair shimmered in the light, his red eyes flashing a cruel glare at me.

I didn't respond, but stared at the ground, allowing my black hair to fall into my face. I couldn't respond-- It would just get me in deeper trouble. I couldn't... No, wouldn't... Perform for these wretched people. I wouldn't. I wouldn't!

The man's smirk widened, "What's the matter? Can't play?" He bent down so that his taunting expression was inches from my own face, "Or is it that you would just give yourself away?"

I continued to be mute, refusing to open my mouth for fear that I would say something that I'd regret. Dissatisfied, the man reached his hand between the bars of my cage and ripped my head upwards. My teary eyes met his, his heartless demeanor chilling me to the bone. Fear filled me to the brim, forcing my body to freeze in place. We stared back at eachother, the man's mind gradually overtaking any sort of hope that I had left within me.

As if satisfied with my submittance, the man nodded with approval and started to walk away.

"Don't think that this is over, Cassandra Rosa Graveline," He laughed a maniacal laugh as he walked further and further away from me, his voice echoing around the icy-cold stone walls.

I fell to my knees onto the concrete floor, a shard of rock stabbing into my leg. I ignored the pain, though. Something worse was piercing through my soul... What was it? Ah, yes.

Despair. That's what it's called.

Oh, you must be confused. Would you like for me to explain? I would be more than happy to oblige...

Let us go back a year-- To when I, Cassandra Rosa Graveline, first played the piano. And when he appeared next to me.


So, what do you think?

This idea is from a dream I had awhile that reoccured last night for some reason, so I was like "Welp may as well make it into a story" and POOF! Here it is!

You guys have no idea how much I love random name generators. Like, you legit have no idea. I use them for just about every single book I write >:DDD Though, it takes awhile to get a base name for either the last name or first name... Depending on which website I use XD

Anyways, I'm a sleepy Rosie so bye lovelies!

This is Flaming_Rose, signing out~!

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