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On one condition I'm coming with you.
Those words echo in my head again, how did I get in this mess. I've two choices either way I bring him with me or leave him and risk getting caught.
Either way it's dead end.
"When your done thinking theres a few guards on the way, so either way you get caught or trust me"
"I don't even know you"
" if we don't keep going you will have plenty of time to think about it in jail.

I hesitated.

"Lead the way"
He took my hand and we started to run. After what felt like five minutes of running we arrived. He still held my hand I felt a weird feeling washing over me it was probably something I ate... I brush off the strange feeling.
Who's place is it.

In front of me it was a big house, even larger pool kind of those houses millionaires lived in.

In front of me it was a big house, even larger pool kind of those houses millionaires lived in

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"Well if you are finish drooling let's keep on moving.
I look up at the stranger our eyes lock in each other, I was drowning in his blue ocean eyes. I try to look away but it was like I was under a spell Eventually he looks down breaking the eye contact. I could feel myself blushing and turned away making. "what the fuck just happened"

Not gonna lie he is good looking with his black hair, blue eyes that you could drown in and those jawlines man I'm speechless. And let's not talk about the body. I must look like a tomato right now darn it.
He notice me and smiled
"Liking what you see"
Knew it he would be an asshole. Already regretting my choice.
"I've seen better"
"I bet"
"You better start believing it" with further answer I walk pass him leaving him behind me.
"The kitchen is that way, and the living room is upstairs, and the bathroom you will  just have to walk straight you'll see it."
"Was that everything" he started to mumble to himself.
"yeah you sleep in the guest room"
" where was the bathroom again" I laugh nervously not knowing where to look.
"Just walk straight in that direction you can't miss it"
the bathroom was huge, shaking my head in disbelief.
" those rich kids take things for granted"
after what felt like thirty minutes I was done,
what a girl got her needs. And after another five minutes, looking for the living room. This house is like a bloody maze. He sat on the couch with a blanket on top of him. He pointed to me to sit next to him.
"So one question at a time, is this you're house"
" is not a good hide place, it's a big area which is easy to discover.
"That won't be a problem this house have been abandoned for seven years.
His eyes where shiny and I could sworn I just saw a flash of sadness, and this dark features swept across his face. He notice my staring and cleared his throat.
" we haven't introduced ourself and you're gonna be stuck with me so I think I should know a thing or two.
"I'm Emiy eighteen years and I'm an orphan.
"What happen to your parents"
"They have been dead for ten years now"
"Have you been by yourself since their death. 
I didn't know if I could trust him I have know him like twenty minutes.
"No more talking about me, you?"

" well I'm same age as you and my name is Hunter Blackwood I have lived inside this shell my whole life.
"What about your parents"
"They died" he answers in a husky tone.
"Why are you helping me"
" I don't know let's just say I got my own reasons"
I felt how my body started to get heavier and heavier and I tried not to close my eyes, but in the end I let the darkness envelope me.

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