The fallen chocolate bar

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         "How the mighty have fallen!!"

"It's a dropped chocolate bar, calm down." 

"Chocolate is my life, Zana!"

" Well Riverlyn, your a royal pain in my ass!"  

Riverlyn ran to catch up to her sister, mourning for the fallen chocolate bar. Riverlyn Price lived in a small town of Avalon, California. Riverlyn had Gorgeous brown hair that went to her mid back and was almost permanently stuck in a braid of some sort, And forest green eyes. Identical to her twin sister's. You couldn't tell them apart. Other than the fact that Riverlyn had longer hair than Zana did. They were both 17 and Zana was only 11 minutes older than Riverlyn was, but she always made sure to remind her of it. Riverlyn's best friend was Kimber White. She had short blond hair that she never let grow longer than a bob. She had blue eyes and a petite figure. Kimber was one of those girls you would call, boy crazy.  They had just picked up Kimber for a party at Zana's boyfriend's house cause their parents were gone for the weekend, when Riverlyn started getting impatient. 

        "How much longer to Andre's house??" Riverlyn complained.

" River, Babe, you know I love you, but seriously calm down. We only have about 2 blocks to go. So about 10 minutes." Kimber replied.

"That's ten minutes too long!!" Riverlyn groaned.

"So... River what are you going to do about Jake?" Zana asked with a weary look. Jake was Riverlyn's very controlling boyfriend. They'd been dating for about two years on and off. Jake was tall for being 17. He had tousled brown hair and baby blue eyes. Unfortunately he had a horrible controlled temper. 

"I don't know, I'm going to see his band on Saturday though, want to come Kim?" 

"And miss the chance to see Evan?? Hell yes! I'm coming!" Kim half squealed with excitement.

Evan was Jake's best friend. He was tall with black hair and green eyes. He played the guitar in the band. And Kimber was obsessed with him.

"Do you think they'll be at the party tonight?" Zana asked. 

" I wouldn't put it past him to come to a party for just the booze Zana." Riverlyn replied. "Lets just hope this party will be better than the last."

They just pulled up to Andre's house when Zana sighed. 

"Well, there is only one way to find out." 

As they got out of the car they saw Andre and his group, including Jake, walking over to them. Tonight was gonna be a long night. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2019 ⏰

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