Chapter 1

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A girl sat in her spot on a plane that was high in the air, bored out of her mind. She was going to visit someone and if need be stay with that someone.

Her pinkish silvery hair framed her face her bangs just over her purple eyes, she sighed as a flight attendant came up to her.

"Ms. Nakadai? We will be landing in a few moments" she said.

"Thank you ma'am" she bowed her head to the woman, who in return smiled and went on to the next person.


Miko squealed loudly scaring everyone in Base, including the Prime as he came rushing out with blasters ready.

Ratchet was on the floor holding his chest plates, trying to calm his racing spark. Bumblebee was in Bulkheads arms as the wrecker just stared at him.

Smoekscreen was behind the wrecker as Arcee was covering her audials, Wheeljack and Magnus were the only lucky mechs to not have heard the scream. Due to being on patrol in space where they've been for a week now.

"Did you have to scream?" Jack asked finger in his ear.

"You scared poor ratchet to the ground" Raf said pointing to the medic being helped up by Optimus.

"Sorry, couldn't help myself....someone is coming for a visit" Miko beamed.

"Who?" Arcee asked optic ridge high.

"Someone I know, someone special and close to me" Miko said jumping on the spot.

"I guess you'll be heading home early huh?"  Bulkhead asked.

"You know it my mech, can you take me now, her plane just landed and she just left the airport in her cab" Miko said rereading the text.

"Hop in" he smiled transforming.

(Mikos home)

Miko had the guest room all set up, candles on the nightstand, dresser and desk. Bed fixed and made.

A knocking was heard and the girl ran down the stairs to the front door beating her host mother there.

"Really now Miko, your acting like this girl is your sister or something" she said crossing her arms.

"Duh She is my sister....MY TWIN!" Miko smiled as she hugged her sister.

"Lord oh mighty" the woman sighed and walked away.

"Hm.......not a very cheerful person is she?" Mika said.

"Not really? I've been waiting forever for you to come down" Miko said.

"Sorry for the wait love, now I am here for a week to see how well living is for you here, and If its not to my liking your being removed from this home" Mika said.

" remove do you mean taking me back to Japan?" Miko asked.

"Maybe if need be, for now we will see how life is for you in Jasper" Mika smirked.

Miko showed her up to her room and allowed her to unpack, she went to the kitchen to grab a soda when her host mother called her.

"So how long is this twin of yours staying for?" She asked.

"A week, why?" Miko asked.

"......why didn't you tell us you had a twin?" She asked.

"......because she doesn't like a lot of people knowing about her, she uh...special" Miko blushed trying to make up a good lie.

"Your lying to me you little brat" the woman frowned standing up.

"No I'm not, I swear it's true!" Miko exclaimed backing up into a wall.

Before anything could happen the woman cried in pain, dropping to her knees. Miko opened her brown eyes to see the woman on the floor.

"You will refrain from harming my sister, and if I find you have already done so, you will be in a lot of trouble" Mika warned.

"What the hell can you do? Your just a kid yourself" she frowned holding her hurting wrist.

"......I know people, I may be very young, but I do work in the special ops. With my uncle" Mika said.

"Special ops? That's what's so special about you?" The woman narrowed her eyes.

"Not quite, I do have a secret, but it's a family secret. Not allowed to tell a soul" Mika smiled an evil smile.

The woman backed off and left the two alone, Miko hugged Mika from behind. Face buried in her sisters back.

"Do they harm you Miko?" Mika asked still all stoic like.

".......not all the time, I do get grounded a lot and if I break curfew and some rules I do get a smack sometimes" Miko said.

".......your leaving" Mika said "go and pack your things you brought from home" she pushed Miko a bit.

"And where would we go?" Miko asked.

".....I already bought a home for us to stay in if you had to be removed from this place, it's all furnished just get your clothes and stuff" Mika said going up to do the same.

A cab came and took them to their new home, Miko knew this neighbourhood it was jacks, and just down the road was his house.

"Hey that's Jacks home" Miko pointed.

"Jack? Who is Jack?" Mika frowned.

"A friend of mine, I have one more his name is Raf" Miko said.

".....I would like to meet these boys, tomorrow at school" Mika smiled paying the cab driver and took all the stuff inside.

Miko watched her twin work, Mika always did a lot of work, always telling Miko to do whatever she wanted while she did everything.

Looking down the road she saw Jack and Arcee pulling the drive way, Jack looked over at her with wide eyes.

Miko smiled and waved at him, running into the house, Jack shook his head and ran to call Raf. Arcee commed Base about mikos move.

(Sorry if I made the host parents a bit jerky, I kinda figured it was a good way for mikos sister to get her out of the house I'm sorry if they are normally nice people I am not sure what kind of people they are)

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