Chapter 1

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      Willow walked slowly through the park, which she had begun to think of as hers. She passed the fountain which no longer held water. She passed the dead flower garden that had been planted in early spring and forgotten in late summer. Not that it was summer anymore, it was the middle of December and Willow was starting to feel the effects of walking 7 miles in sub 0 weather complete with a wonderful blanket of snow to trudge through.  Willow was used to it though. Soon she found what she was looking for; a bench made into a lean-to using branches that had broken off of trees. 

     Another person might be concerned about leaving all their stuff in on a bench in the middle of a public park but not Willow. Her stuff wasn't worth much to anyone who might try and steal it, plus, hardly anyone goes to the park anymore. She set her backpack down and stretched out on the bench, pulling her hoodie tighter. Each night for her was a constant battle of "am I too cold to sleep?" Or "am I too tired to care?" This time the latter won out. 


     Contrary to popular belief, Anne Boleyn did actually like waking up early, she loved the quietness and the softness the world seemed to possess before dawn. And the fact that almost every other hour the house was filled with her 5 roommates; while she did love them, they got to be a little much sometimes so the early morning was the only time she was able to get some peace and quiet.  This particular morning however she was surprised to find Jane already downstairs when she entered the kitchen. 

"Oh hello Anne," The women said, "I was just about to go for a walk, would you like to join me?" 

The request seemed a bit weird to Anne considering the two had never done anything together without at least one of the other queens.  

She didn't want to be rude so she agreed to the proposal.  

"Sure, how 'bout we head to the park?" 

"Sounds lovely," Jane said with a smile. 

     After bundling up enough to endure the cold, and Jane insisting Anne put on a hoodie under her jacket, they left the house and started on their way to the park. A few minutes of awkward silence later Anne spoke up. 

"So why you up this early, it's usually just me." Is what Anne said but what she actually meant was "why are you up and interrupting my quiet morning with a freezing walk and uncomfortable small talk." She didn't say that though, something about Jane made her not as rude as she typically was. 

"Well, I noticed you were always up hours before us and thought you might want some company for once." 

Not knowing how to respond to this Anne just nodded and continued walking. Soon they were back to the awkward silence that might've lasted until they got back home until Jane spotted something. 

"Oh my! Anne look!" 

Anne, who was checking something on her phone, looked up.

"What- oh" She saw what the other queen had been pointing at, a girl was curled up on a bench, shivering violently despite being asleep. 

Jane ran over to her looking panicked, "Do you think we should help her, maybe try and call her parents?  She looks about 15 I think" 

Anne followed more slowly, "If she had parents to call, she wouldn't be out here." 

Just then it started to snow, lightly at first but quickly becoming faster and heavier. 

Jane looked around as if there might be someone able to help, "We can't just leave her here!" 

Anne was growing impatient, "We also can't take a random teenage girl home without her consent, let's wake her up and see if she wants our help if she doesn't we continue home." "Quickly." She added after glaring at the accumulating snow covering the ground." 

"Okay, I suppose that's our best option." Jane slowly walked up to the girl and gently tapped her shoulder. That's all it took for the girl to shoot up and clock Jane in the face. She grabbed her bag and leaped off the bench. 

"What are you doing!" She yelled, throwing her bag over her shoulder and preparing to run, "I haven't got anything of value so leave me alone." 

Jane was still reeling from the punch so Anne stepped in. "Calm down, we just wanted to know if you'd like us to get you somewhere warmer, maybe get something to eat but obviously you don't want that so we'll be on our way." She wrapped an arm around Jane's shoulders and led the other women away. 


Anne turned and saw not an angry girl who attacked them but a scared girl with a glimmer of reluctant hope in her eyes. 

"You, you want to help me?" The girl said softly. 

Jane took a step closer, "Of course we want to help you, love, you look like you're about to freeze to death." 

The girl flinched a little as Jane approached, "But why, you don't even know me." 

The girl reminded Anne of Katherine when they first came back, skittish, questioning, scared, and ultimately shocked that anyone would care about her. So, with more empathy than anyone would have expected of her, Anne looked the girl in the eyes and said earnestly "Because we're not bad people and while we don't know you, I know enough to say that you could use some people like us." 

These words brought tears to the girl's eyes, she couldn't remember a time where anyone had been this nice to her. Normally she was not this trusting but she knew an honest person when she saw one. 

"Yeah, yeah I definitely could." 

Anne smiled a bit, "Then come with us, please." 

Jane chimed in, "Let us help you." 

Afraid she would start sobbing if she spoke the girl simply nodded. 

"Well then let's get going, our house isn't too far but this snow is absolutely dreadful," Jane said as she began the walk back to the queens' house. 

Anne slid off her jacket and handed it to the girl who immediately tried to give it back. 

"No take it, I insist." She said with a famous Anne Boleyn grin on her face, "By the way, what's your name?" 

The girl's response was a bit delayed as she put on Anne's jacket, which was much too big for her. 

"Willow." She said with a hint of a smile. " 

"Nice to meet you Willow, I'm Anne." 

AN: Not an awful start, I hope, updates will usually come on Saturdays sometimes Sundays and maybe both days if I can. Thx for reading! -Trash 

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