Entrance Exam, Bubblegum and Stopwatch collide

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Ten Months before the entrance exams of U.A. High

two young men were found dead one was seen killed by a Sludge Villain in front of a crowd his name was Katsuki Bakugo while another was found in a subway presumably also killed by the Sludge Villian he was a quirkless boy going by the name of Izuku Midoria

The news was playing in the gym as Connor Butler worked hard to prepare for the entrance exam of the prestigious hero school U.A. High, the school with an 0.2 acceptance rate and at this point Connors body would not be fit for the entrance exam let alone his non fully discovered nor fully evolved Bubblegum quirk would be of much assistance in the entrance test.

Over in another gym in a small town just outside of Tokyo was an annoying blonde known by few as Jacob Hamwood using his Stopwatch to slow the speed of his trainer before delivering a swift punch (from his trainers point of view, but slightly faster than his normal punches from his view) before giving his trainer a knee to the nose. His trainers nose started bleeding but due to his quirk slowing everything down the blood was going at the speed of a snail. He released his quirk by shooting a beam of speed up beam from his left hand (slowdown from his right hand).

Entrance exam day

Connor was on his way to U.A. entrance exam his body was now much more chiseled than when he started his training and his quirk had gone from making tape gum and bubbles to also making liquidized gum he also discovered that he could teleport (with a bubblegum like pop) from any bubble gum he has made using his quirk within a 250-meter radius a big power up from when he began.

While being stuck in his very thought full head he nearly missed the sound of his 10 minutes till start of exam alarm and the sound of the bullet train tooting in the background.

Jacobs train hardly made it into station 10 minutes before the exam began, he would really have to rush to get there. He sped off the train he was starting to slow down so as a precaution he shot a golden beam from his left hand to make him twice as fast as normal, so he was moving about as fast as a dog at full pelt. At this speed he couldnt stop very precisely and even if he did stop, hed still skid a little bit. Due to this he couldnt stop fast enough to dodge the boy jogging and ran head first into him causing the boy to fall on his face or he would have had he not exploded into a shower of pink bubblegum and due to his quirk speeding up EVERYTHING he did he feel twice as fast as normal.

By the time Jacob got back up the bubblegum that got spattered everywhere gave Connor more than one place to escape the deadly situation so the bubble boy was long gone by the time he got back up the thirty second time limit of his quirk was already over and he was already feeling sluggish from its side affects Jacob just wished he could of at least apologized for the conundrum hed caused. Little did he know how much that quirk hed just experienced would help him in the entrance exam.

AT U.A. Entrance exam begins

Present Mic was explaining the rules to the race that would allow them access to their future and if they were lucky enough the prestigious U.A. High the hero course that pumped top notch heroes such as number 1 hero All Might out. The race rules were not overly complicated youd run 100 meters (to test speed and agility) with a slight spin you could fight the opposition a normal attack such as a punch, swing or kick would give you 10 points while use of your quirk in said attack resulted in 15 points and if you left the race track you were out and the closest person to you would get any points.

As they got to the race track Present Mic was reminding everyone of the rules theyd be split into four races in race set one was Jacob, Connor and a variety of other quirk users there was a boy who looked like he hadnt slept in a straight week with purplish grey hair and an overly energetic bubbly girl with brown hair that Jacob and Connor couldnt help but drool over she was just so cute.

In race set two was a guy with red spiky hair that seemed to look like rock whenever he used his quirk and a very similar quirk that turned its user to steel in race set three there was a girl producing a slimy white liquid substance.

Set four looked like the really unfit set and had no real competition, And finally it was time for the first race Jacob was on the complete opposite side of the field so knowledge of his quirk was of no use at the current point in time but for some reason a small group of people near the purple haired sleep deprived kid were just sitting around this eliminated about 10% of the competition. The most surprising thing so far though was the starting gun which was Present Mic making an air horn noise that could be heard from 50 meters below him and due to this shock Connor fell into first place fast and was already 30 points ahead of the competition but it was only when the cute brunette came near that he slowed down to allow a conversation to spark (he just wanted to talk to his crush) but the rest of the competitors were also closing in, the purplette was ahead point wise but Connor was barely ahead race wise. The purplette or as the leaderboard called him Shinso in first followed by Connor then the brunette her name was apparently Ochako Urakaka and in fourth was Jacob on the point system leader board.

It wasnt till Jacob ran head first at Connor with the impossible speed that had quit literally caused them to run into each other and Connor could barely dodge the grey beam that got shot right at him causing it to hit a fellow competitor who was going to try and get ten points from Connor but the beam caused his opposition to slow down drastically instead pushing Jacob into third place (point system) and first (race system) but the slowed competitor gave Connor a chance to test his underpowered super move Bubble kick with his opponent unable to move Connor hit his opponent four times pushing him into first in the point system.

Connor could see Shinso and Jacob trying to catch up as the momentum of Connors super move caused an explosion taking a mob of contestants out Urakaka was already in second and about to cross the finish line with only 10 meters remaining, or she had been about to cross until a giant robot stepped out blocking her path preventing her access and the dust that had covered the race course prevented her from seeing the robot that was about to step on her and squash her like an ant.

If Connor didnt act within the next ten seconds shed be long gone, then the perfect plan for the occasion came up. Connor shot his tape like gum and used it as a lasso to pull Ochako closer before filling the space shed just occupied with his liquid gum so the robot couldnt walk he also sprayed bubblegum all over the robot and let his super move go he teleported through the bubblegum he then formed a bubble of gum around his fist and threw his fist right in the joint between the arm and the body and just before impact the bubble popped and caused gum to get stuck in between the joint weakening them this new super move had been dubbed Spectacle Pop: Bubble Punch.

Due to the pop of his punch the steel became like corroded wood weak and brittle causing the actual punch to shatter the metal that made up the arm this threw the robot off balance throwing it to the opposite side cause without its right arm the left side of its body significantly heavier this would drop it on the other competitors.

Jacob was the second person to see the tilting robot so he did the only thing that could possibly help in this unique situation, so he used his slowing beam to slow the descent of the robot, but he wasnt fast enough to catch a limp Connor who was like a falling star and had it not been for the last minute use of his teleportation powers to move to a small puddle of gum his body would have been unrepairable.

Connor could hardly move his body how he wanted to. He could hardly move his neck. So, in a last-ditch effort to minimalize damage he used his teleported to a small spatter then he started to see black spots running in front of his eyes Damn I over used my quirk and its taking a toll on my body (this bold black font is used for character thoughts) and before long he could hardly see the last thing he saw was Urakaka running full pelt towards not even slowing down to get to her knees he may not have been able to see but he could definitely feel her head resting on his chest and her soft hair brushing his neck and hear her sobs but then it all went black.

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