Passion is born through endeavor (Part 2)

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Last chapter we found out that Urakaka likes Connor and they started going out and Connor, Urakaka and Jacob got into U.A. High, Connors idol Erupt Heart was introduced now lets start part two of chapter two.

A week after Connor got out of hospital term 1 for U.A. started Connor had walked to school and ran into Jacob while on his way to school. Hey, Jacob how you going, you recover from Urakakas onslaught? Connor asked with concern in his voice and spread around his face. Ive had worse than that before, Im just sorry you didnt get to see Erupt Heart. He said forgivingly.

Its fine you should say that to Urakaka though. Connor said slightly terrified of what his new girlfriend would do to Jacob. If you want to come with me, Im going to pick her up now? Connor questioned his acquaintance. May as well get this over and done with right its the smart thing to do.

As the two young teens walked to Urakakas house they found they had a lot in common from what they liked to eat all the way to what they like to watch, they even trained in a similar way. Soon the boys were at Urakakas house to pick her up for school, Jacob apologized to Urakaka before she killed him.

Its fine but still he worked so hard to meet Erupt Heart and you just happened to get the job to prevent that goal from coming true, for now that is with Connors traits of a noble hero will get him noticed by Erupt Heart Im sure of it. Urakaka said with a prideful tone as she looked at her boyfriend with so much love it was almost crushing.

Time Skip to U.A High

The trio arrived outside of their class they had been placed in class 1A due to their high scores and rankings in the race, Theyd been informed that unlike most years were there were twenty people per class due to the twentieth place being tied by three people there was twenty-two people in their class. As Connor opened the door to the he saw that at least three people he had seen at the race were here.

First was the red head who had made his body into the rock like substance, second was the pink skinned girl with the white liquid and last was Shinso the purple haired boy who had prevented the opponents from moving during the race.

Besides them there were five others present in the room a girl with black hair and a sing large bang of hair covering her forehead, there was also a boy who looked like he had sparkles coming from his very presence, a boy with a burn over his left eye and red and white hair, a boy with a bird head was talking to his own sentient shadow.

Soon the whole class was present and their homeroom teacher a man who looked suspiciously like Shinso but with black hair instead of purple was introducing himself. Hello class Im Shota Aizawa or as some may know me Erasure Head, now Im going to hand out a list of people in our class.

As Connor received it he saw it had numbers running down the left hand side with names of students besides it and then a dash to name their quirk as Connor read he saw 1. Yuga Aoyama – Navel Laser, 2. Mina Ashido – Acid, 3. Tsuyu Asui – frog, 4. Tenya Iida – Engine, 5. Ochaco Urakaka – Zero Gravity, 6. Masihirao Ojiro – Tail, 7. Denki Kaminari – Electrification, 8. Eirijo Kirishima – Hardening, 9. Koji Koda – Anivoice, 10. Mezo Shoji – Dupli-arms, 11. Kyoka Jiro – Earphone Jack, 12. Fumicage Tokoyami – Dark Shadow, 13. Shoto Todoroki – Half cold half hot, 14. Jacob Hamwood – Stopwatch, 15. Connor Butler – Bubblegum, 16.Momo Yoayorozu – Creation, 17. Togaru Kamakiri – Razor Sharp, 18. Itsuka Kendo – Big Fist, 19. Juzo Honenuki – Softening, 20. Hitoshi Shinso – Brainwashing, 21. Tatami Nakagame – Telescopic, 22. Bree Ford – Kaleidoscope.

Connor looked at the list in monotone shock these seemed like some powerful quirks. well that explains the living shadow, He chuckled lightly.

Erasure Head stood up and cleared his throat Now get into these pairs were about to do a hero battle exercise the groups are Connor and Urakaka, Jacob and Mina, Denki and Jiro. The list went on and on and soon the Class was filing out into the Gamma Testing ground in their new hero costumes.

Connors costume was a simple jacket with lots of padding inside so even when he was hit by an attack it would be cushioned, he had fingerless gloves with a small box on the top that had a nozzle that allowed him to either shoot out his gum as either gas, liquid or small bubbles that grow when gas hits them. Jacobs costume was a very expensive suit with a gold undershirt that was highly reflective this could help as his quirk could bounce of shiny or reflective objects, on top of this was his jacket it was light grey and had golden trimmings and buttons, he had a small golden stopwatch with a chain, the chain was connected to the hem of his pants while the watch was in his pocket.

Urakakas costume was a skintight suit with a pink line running through the middle this line had black on either side, this also went to her waist down she wore black leggings attached to the bodysuit this was covered by big pink boots with foam and cushioning to lower damage from her falling when she deactivates her quirk, she also had pink bracelets with small handles so people could hold on while her quirk was active on them so they wouldnt float away.

Erasure Head explained the reasons of group teams The exercise is a two on two mock battle one team will be the heros the other team will be villains. He said honestly looking like he wished he was asleep. Connor saw a small problem in this so he spoke up But sir this would work perfectly fine if we had twenty students like normal that means wed have five matches but what about the extra students. Connor asked quizzically.

That is true but theres a twist there is a paper Mache bomb inside the building the role of the heroes is to get to the bomb and touch it to win the villains must stop the hero team from getting to the bomb, and the extra team is a special cause they will be in a round with another two teams and they will be the heroes but there will be two hero teams, this will simulate two hero agencies working together. He said barely able to keep his eyes open. Oh, and Connor because you talked up about it, youll be up first against Denki and Jiros team as well as Tatakami and Kirishima.

Connor and Ochaco stood at the roof of the building the had the training in theyd agreed on the plan of action to utilize them both to their full potential. Erasure Head had given all teams coms linked to their team mates, but Connor knew that because of Kaminaris quirk he could intercept, interrupt and send his own messages through the coms, so theyd agreed to not use the coms till he was down, The plan was Urakaka would make the bomb float and this would prevent it from being on the same level as the competition but due to it being on the roof it would float away so Connor had stuck a line of bubblegum attached to the bottom so it didnt float away, Then Urakaka would stay here so she could stop anyone who made it to the roof while Connor went and fought in the building.

The speakers blared to life Begin the exercise: Game Start. Connor rushed down the stairs leaving bubblegum everywhere this meant even if someone slipped through and Connor dealt with the other heroes fast enough he could just teleport ahead of them. Connor soon reached the lower floors where he was met by Kaminari and Jiro, Jiro had her earphone in the wall trying to locate Urakaka and through her the bomb. Kaminari came at Connor with a punch charged with electricity, Connor dodged under the arm and punched Kaminari in the stomach this winded Kaminari and as he curled over in pain, he received a knee to the face. Connor was about to get to Jiro when a hardened Kirishima jumped in his path. Connor was stuck with Kirishima protecting both of his active teammates while hardened so Connor could either take out Kirishima but lose all his energy for fighting the others or go all out and clear all three of them at once. Connor rushed Kirishima hand raised bubble formulating and Kirishima eyes wide before Connor yelled Spectacle Pop: Bubble Punch. Connors special move hit Kirishima like a freight train, Kirishima went flying backwards small chips of hardened skin cells hitting the floor as his quirk deactivated as Kirishima passed out, Kirishima hit Jiro and Tatakami crushing them. The speakers rung through the city Villains win.

Soon the day was coming to the end but before they could leave Erasure Head informed them of what they would do for the next three years. Before school began, we asked your parents if they would allow you to stay in school dorms and all of them have given consent so you shall be staying at Heights Alliance. Erasure Head said with a low voice barely able to hide a yawn. The students cheered with joy they would be able to hang out with their friends in their free time. But Erasure Head wasnt finished yet Also youll be sharing a room with who you were partnered with for todays exercise. Erasure Head said looking sleepily and underpaid for the bullshit of his job.

Hey guys Im finally finished it took me awhile to think of how to deal with those extra two students anyway better get started on part three of chapter two see ya later.

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