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"Zak. Why'd you do it?"

"Am I not allowed to livestream anymore?" I turned back to Darryl, complete anger filling my body. He'd been on my ass for almost an hour abiut this dumb stream I did.

"Zak, you weren't in a good state. You've worried your fans sick, including me."

"Yeah, ok." I stood up from the stool it our kitchen, grabbing the car keys & heading out to the door.

"What are you doing?!" he seemed scared & angry at the same time.

"For a drive. What," I turned to him again, staring straight into his eyes. "Is that going to kill you?"

I saw tears forming in his eyes, causing a sense of guilt to wash over me. I brushed it off, going back & outside with my keys.
"I should be allowed to livestream as I want," I mumbled to myself, starting up the car.

I stuck the key in, turning it around, but the car didn't turn on.
For a minute I fiddled around witn the ley, but the car still wouldn't turn on.
"Fuck it," I muttered under my breath, throwing the keys down & exiting the vehicle.

I felt drops of rain start to fall on my head as I walked down the street, towards the bustling city.
I wasn't sure where I was going, but it was away. Away from here.

☁ 〜 * • . • * ~ 〜 ☁

{ Darryl's POV }

After Zak's little 'tantrum', I decided to back to the hospital to stay with Clay, in a little bit.
Thoughts started to flood my head as I threw myself on the couch, flickering the tv on to the news.

I really mess up everything, don't I?

The news had never exactly been my go to, but nothing else that was interesting at the given moment, so I was stuck with this.
All it was is politics, issues going on around America, things that didn't concern me much.

I pulled my phone out of my jean pockets, opening to Clay's number & selecting the 'call' button.
Only 2 rings & he answered.

"Hi, what's up?"

"Hey, Clay. Do you want to go do something?"

"Aren't you with Zak?"

I let out a long sigh at his question, running my hand through my hair.



"I'll be over."

☁ 〜 * • . • * ~ 〜 ☁

"So, how'd it happen?"

His voice broke the odd silence that'd crept up on us as we were in his car. It's a nice car, a small white one that can fit about 5 people. It suit him well.

"Well, last night Zak went live.. at the hospital."

"How'd he manage to do that?"

"A VPN, I think."

Silence fell over again as I sunk down slightly in my seat, staring out at the window with raindrops beating down on it.
Some song I wasn't sure the name of started on the radio, causing Clay to start humming along with it.

With the mixture of the fog & rain stayint outside as Clay & I were here, warm & snug, I felt an odd sense of peace. Even after today's happenings, my friends always managed to help. Even if it's unknowingly, without them I'd be lost.

Even with Zak being loud & a troll most times, he still has a softer & caring side. He's always checked up on me if I got upset, or if something seemed off. He's more caring than people think.

Vincent always came off as passive agressive to me, even before I knew him. I never thought that we'd become good friends, but my annoying nature always butted in when both him & Skeppy were chatting. We eventually became friends, & I'm more than greatful. It turns out, he's not as rude as he seems.

Clay has been my friend the longest, but isn't any more or less to me. He has always been a good person, let me rant to him & help him aswell. He's always kept calm, never jumping to conclusions or other. It's something I'll always admire, how he manages to be so.. down to earth.

I looked over to my blonde friend, looking at him as he focused on the road.
A small smile crept onto my face, along with the overwhelming feeling of content.



"Thank you."

He was quiet for a minute, taking in my words. I could see him smile slightly.
"You too."

☁ timeless // 1 (a6d, bbh & skeppy)Where stories live. Discover now