Skull face/Blaze x Derix smut

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So this is something im writing for a roleplay voice acting thing im doing on discord. Instead of voicing the scene i am just gonna write it.

Blaze/skull face: oc of the person im voicing with. She was born cursed and is now fighting off shadow animals while also being a creepypasta, living in the slender mansion. Skull face's fur is jet black and her eyes are white and blue. She has a long fluffy tail that Derix really likes to play with. She is around 8-9 feet tall in her skull face form, and around 5' 4" in her human form. Her human form has brown hair with silver and blue eyes.

Derix: one if my creepypasta oc's. He is a wolf shifter, and has a few other forms. Such as his corrupted form and his "other" form. After his mother and brither were murdered infront of him by his own father, his father started abusing him. After 1 year if that, he was almost beaten to death. His father decided to leave him for the hungry wolves out in the forest, when slenderman, instead of killing him, decided to save him. He considers slenderman a father, and the proxies to be his brothers. Derix has wings but is unable to fly due to him falling off a cliff while training when he was about 8, now making him too afraid to fly. He can be very hyper sometimes and isnt really a morning person. Masky and him are like brothers, and if one if them is injured, the other will fight for them. Derix is also a smoker. His hair is a dark gray color, and his eyes are blue. He is 19 years old, and has lived at the slender mansion for 15 years.

Ok, so a bit of backround on how they met and got into this situation. They met when he was 18, and he was out in his little hideout that he uses to get away from the other pastas. He was tearing into a piece of flesh from a recent kill, when he heard a noise. He saw a figure in the doorway with a long tail like appendage behind it. He growled at the figure, earing a growl back. The figure came into the light to reveal a large black figure, with a large canine skull for a face. Derix became a bit hostile, not trusting this thing at first, but she decided to say hi. After a bit of conversation, he calmed down and relaxed. The large figure instroduced herself as Skull Face, and her human name was Blaze. Over time the two began to see each other more and more, until they eventually decided that she would just stay a tthe hideout with him. After a week of that, one if the proxies, Masky, shoewed up, looking for his "brother" as Derix and him refered to each other as. When Derix tried to hold him back and out ofnthe door, he broke through, seeing Skull face. After an attempted attack, masky left and went home, leaving the two. Derix decided to go home, putting in headphones as to not be distracted. But turns out, Skullface was following him. Once they reached the mansion, skullface shifted into a cat, which Derix has a HUGE soft spot for cats. He pucked her up, petting her and calling her cute while bringing her in the mansion. After a while, Masky, Hoodie, and Jeff decided to talk to him. They all decided on taking a walk, and the cat was coming along. Jeff became suspicious of the small feline, as its features didnt look completely cat like. He threw a knife at her, making her jumo. He inlt became more suspicious, as its jump was very human like. Jeff came up with a plan and told hoodie and Masky. Jeff tackled Derix and Masky grabbed the cat. Derix struggled against Jeff's grasp, as he was strong. Jeff held Derix's wrist too tightly, and accidentally injured it, making Skull face angry, making her go into rage mode. She got into a fight with Jeff, Jeff cutting her arm with the knife before getting thrown away by her tail. Derix had enough and ran inbetween the fight. He blocked her from any firther harm warning them, saying. "Do Not hurt her." After that an introduction was preformed as slender also appeared. After that they all parted ways, as Derix and Skullface went back to the hideout. They were there for another week before deciding to kill. They explored the woods and found a small duo of men out camping. They attacked, not knowing there was a child in the tent. Once they realuzed, Derix became defencive. Derix's 1 rule is that he REFUSES to kill children, even refusing if slenderman orders him to, resulting in a punishment. They left the child aline and ended up bringing her to the police. They ran off, and then the next day they went back to the crime scene, seeing police. They decided to fight them off, resulting in Derix getting shot by an expanding bullet. Skull face killed the rest of the police, and quickly took Derix to the hospital. He wasnt recondized as a killer, as they had thought he was dead. No one knew who he was, so he was safe, After waking up a few hours later after getting stable, he informed Skull face that, if they had any of his blood, if they were to preform surgery, he would be found out, he would be captured as a wolf. They quickly escaped, going to the mansion for help. At the mansion E.J helped him and had him get some rest. A few months later, they had deicded on going to do something random. Derix got a good idea when it was night out. He draghed Skull facd to near a cliff, which he wouldnt go near the edge of without someone else, and shoed her the view. There were stars everywhere, and the ngiht sky was beautiful. Suddenly, they were on the ground, cuddling up against each other, tails linked together. All of a sudden, Masky and Toby showed up, making Derix embarrassed. Toby decided to tease him a bit, saying. " You're in l-love aren't you?" This made Derix blush, as Toby and Masky got an idea. Masky got Derix up off the ground, and pushed him to Skull face, and toby told her to just do something to make him embarrased enough. Derix bumped into her as Masky pushed him to her. Skull face leans in and kisses him, basically making his face a tomato. He was shocked for a few seconds after the kiss, and the 2 proxies begin to walk off. Derix got a little pissed off, and decided to growl at them. It was then that he realized...hoodie was there...with his phobe ou, recording the whole thing. Detix stared him down, giving him 10 seconds to make a run for it before he statted chasing him. After a short chase, it turned out that he tossed Toby the phone, and Toby, although he looked like a fucking twig, was fast as fuck. He knew he was already back at the mansion and just decided to head back and go to sleep. The two get back and Derix foes straight to his room, and Skull face gets a spare room. After a bit of encouragment from her pet raven, he eventaully asked to sleep with her for the night. They slept together that night, falling asleep cuddling. A few months later, like around 9, they decide its time to move this relationship onto the next level.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2020 ⏰

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